Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

#8 Fevers and Coughs

December 28, 2020 Melissa Crenshaw Season 1 Episode 8
Show Notes Transcript

Hello and welcome to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. If you're ready to be independent in helping your family with acute and chronic conditions in a more natural way, if you're interested in learning how to use homeopathy at home, and if you enjoy positive, encouraging messages, then this is the podcast for you. Click subscribe, grab some coffee or tea, a pen and notebook, and get ready to learn how to use Homeopathy at home in your family. The information in this podcast and its transcription is to be used for education only. The suggestions here should not replace the advice of your medical doctor and you should never stop any prescription medications without the advice and direction of your doctor. I am not a physician. I am not prescribing and I am not making healthcare decisions for you. It is your choice to use the information provided here and in any future communications with me regarding homeopathy and natural health care. 

As usual, I like to start with at least one way you can transition into a more natural healthy lifestyle and today is all about hydration! But first, I’d like to encourage you to make small changes every few weeks or months. Don’t rush it! Don’t let the study of natural healthcare take precedence over God and your family. Relationship with God is first. Family is second. Everything else in life can be prioritized how you want to but don’t let this kind of study take over your day. Believe me, I’ve been there! It’ll drive you nuts! There are hundreds or thousands of rabbit holes you can go down. You’ll find things you can’t change or get away from. Don’t let this become a discouragement. More importantly, don’t let it become a distraction from The Way, The Truth, and The Life. He is our Provision. He is our Healer. He is all we need. Transitioning to a more natural healthy way of life is just a small piece of life, albeit important.  

I’ll share with you what I do each day because I went from one extreme (terribly unhealthy) to the other extreme (letting knowledge consume me) and now I’m balanced. When I wake in the morning, I praise God for everything I can think of. I pray. I spend time with Him. I make Him first. I try to include my family in this when they want to. I take care of the family and house and myself and then I devote some time to studying healthcare. It’s not that its low on my priority list, it’s just not the MAIN thing. I’ve learned that when I focus on Jesus, everything else is easier. When He’s the center of it all, I’m not striving. When He gets pushed to the back burner, I become lukewarm and I start striving and struggling in my own strength. I encourage you now to make Him the King of your heart and don’t cheat on Him with the things He’s provided for you.  

Now, on to water! That’s fitting, right? Let the water of the Word wash over you daily. I didn’t even plan that. Ok ok. So what kind of water are you drinking? How much water are you drinking? What else are you drinking in an attempt to stay hydrated everyday, but especially during an illness? Drinking enough clean water everyday is crucial to healthy body systems and almost every system in our bodies depends on water to function. The human body is made up of about 75% water.  

You need to stay hydrated when sick in order to expedite overcoming the illness. Your body needs water to produce mucous and phlegm, which are beneficial because they carry white blood cells which ushers bacteria and viruses out of your body so let's begin with what kind of water to drink. If you live in the city, your water has been treated with chemicals including  

  1. Chlorine
  2. Arsenic which causes skin, bladder, lung, kidney, nasal, liver, and prostate cancer according to the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). They also state that arsenic causes 
    1. Cardiovascular: Heart attack, heart failure, etc. 
    2. Pulmonary: Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Lung Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Pneumonia, Pleural Effusion
    3. Immunological: auto-immune disorders where the immune system attacks itself 
    4. Neurological: Headache. Headaches are one of the most common neurological disorders and there are a variety of different kinds of headaches, such as migraines, cluster headaches, and tension headaches, Stroke, Seizures, Parkinson's Disease, Dementia.
    5. Endocrine: diabetes, Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis link, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease effects.  https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPdf.cgi?Dockey=20001XXE.txt
  3. Fluoride which is known to decrease IQ in children (Connett et al. [8] pp. 148–156) even from natural fluoride in water. (Connett P, Beck J, Micklem HS.  The Case against Fluoride, How Toxic Waste Ended up in our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Politics That Keep It There. White River Junction, VT, USA: Chelsea Green; 2010.) This study indicates that industrial fluoride added to drinking water forms intact corrosive hydrofluoric acid under acidic conditions that prevail in the stomach of man (pH 1.5–3) and animals. Ingested fluoride from water enters the bloodstream as an artificial component, not a normal constituent, and disrupts intermolecular hydrogen bonding, forming interatomic hydrogen bonding. Fluoride influences calcium homeostasis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3690253/#B6 According to Dr. Josh Axe, fluoride may cause damage to the brain and central nervous system, is associated with a moderate cancer risk, could increase the risk of bone fractures, is associated with hypothyroidism, may interfere with sexual development, is associated with diabetes, negatively affects sleep due to decreased melatonin production, . https://draxe.com/health/is-fluoride-bad-for-you/   
  4. Heavy metals
  5. Industrial waste chemicals

 The CDC states city water is the safest in the world BUT sometimes it can become contaminated, causing sickness and disease from waterborne germs, such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Hepatitis A, Giardia intestinalis, and other pathogens. https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/public/water_treatment.html

 If you're on well water, you're getting minerals and trace minerals but you'll want to test it yearly to be sure the quantity of each is not too high. We are on well water and use a Berkey filter for drinking. I cook with the well water now but when we were on city water, I didn't even cook with it because you can't kill everything with heat. I filtered all water that was going to enter our bodies. Now, I'm more free to at least use it in cooking. We could safely drink it, but since I have the Berkey already, I still use it. There are many filtration systems to choose from and I'm no expert on them but I do know that RO (reverse osmosis) filters EVERYTHING so you'll have to add minerals and trace minerals back in. The charcoal filters like in the Berkey leave the minerals and filters 99% of everything else. You can check out their tests HERE. https://theberkey.com/pages/test-result#what

 How much water should you drink? I had a chiropractor tell me to drink half my body weight in ounces per day so I did that for a long time. Then I learned that drinking too much water can overwork your kidneys and dilute important acids and enzymes that we need for digestion so I backed off to only drinking to thirst. In my research, I found anywhere from 6 cups to 13 cups per day recommended so how do you know what's right for you? I don't think anybody has a definitive answer because everyone is different and needs vary from person to person. Dehydration is a big deal and we need clean water, but how much depends on too many variables to put a number on; therefore, I suggest making sure your water source is clean and healthy and just start drinking at least 8 cups per day. 

 Now on to the homeopathic portion of this podcast!

 Fevers and coughs

 Remember in podcast #1 I told you that my children had some Motrin and Tylenol because I didn’t know any better? I learned at an early age that fevers were bad and you had to reduce them immediately. I also learned that the higher they were, the sicker you were. Boy, was that WRONG! First, you have to know what fevers are doing in the body and their purpose in order to respect them properly. Dr. Tom Cowan writes in his article titled, Fevers in Children, 


 "…a child who has nephrotic syndrome, a disease in which the kidneys begin to leak out protein, will most likely be cured if he simultaneously contracts measles. In fact, measles is the only known cure for nephrotic syndrome, which is otherwise treated with the misery of long-term prednisone. Interestingly, giving a measles vaccine doesn’t work, it doesn’t cure nephrotic syndrome. …Measles: the temperature goes up to 104, the eyes water, the nose runs, the lungs cough up mucus, the kidneys excrete extra broken down proteins, the bowels are loose and the child aches all over. These symptoms herald the construction of a newer, healthier body, one that is more individualized to the dynamics of the child." He also writes, "In fact, some pediatricians and oncologists have postulated the modern epidemic of cancer in children as the predictable outcome of our mania for preventing fever in our children, by giving them aspirin, tylenol and antibiotics." So what does a fever do in the body and why don't we want to stop it? 

Fevers do a job in the body that you don't want to suppress. Suppressing fever results in more illness either now or later.  

I suggest you get the book, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. Chapter seven on fevers highlights some facts that I'll quote and touch on here. Get the book and read more about each one:   https://archive.org/details/HowToRaiseAHealthyChildInSpiteOfYourDoctorMendelsohn

  1. A temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is not normal for everyone, especially in children. 
  2. Temperatures may rise for a variety of reasons that do not signify illness. 
  3. The fevers that you should be concerned about usually stem from an obvious cause like a poisoning or being overheated.
  4. Temperature readings vary depending on how they're taken. Do not take rectal temperatures or rely on your hand to see if there is a fever. 
  5. Newborn babies are the exception. If a newborn develops a fever, definitely call the doctor.  
  6. Babies can have a fever as a result of overdressing. Babies don't need a onesie, fleece pajamas, swaddle, and a be covered in a fleece blanket! It's too much unless you're traveling on the Wyoming prairie by foot in mid-winter! Believe it or not, I see this in NORTH CAROLINA where we barely get below freezing a few days a year and that's OUTSIDE! These babies are INSIDE in the HEAT and don't need all that! 
  7. Most fevers are caused by bacterial and viral infections that the body can overcome if you allow it to. The MOST important thing to be sure of in a fever is that the person is staying hydrated. Sip or drink water, tea, juice, meat stock, bone broth, or this rehydration solution: combine the juice of 2 lemons, enough purified water to equal a quart, 2T organic sugar, 1/3 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda. It will fizz and foam because of the lemon juice so add liquid slowly to the dry ingredients, stirring the foam down as you do. 
  8. There is no consistent relationship between the height of the fever and the severity of the disease. Fevers even up to 105 aren't dangerous unless there are accompanying symptoms that would cause dehydration or respiratory issues and even then, it's those specific issues that are the problem, and not the fever itself. 
  9. Fevers caused by viral and bacterial infections do not rise inexorably and will not exceed 105
  10. Measures to reduce temperatures are counterproductive. A fever occurs because of the spontaneous release of pyrogens, which is a natural defense mechanism that our bodies employ to fight disease. The presence of a fever tells us that the repair mechanisms in the body are working! When an infection develops, we produce additional white blood cells called leukocytes, which destroy bacteria and viruses and remove damaged tissue from the body. The activity of the white cells is increased and they move more rapidly to the site of infection, a process known as leukotaxis. Additionally, iron, which germs need in order to thrive, is being removed from the blood and stored in the liver, which reduces the rate at which bacteria multiply. A disease-fighting substance that is produced naturally in the body, called interferon, is activated and becomes more effective. The body's disease-fighting process is halted when you reduce the fever. Furthermore, Tylenol depletes glutathione, which is necessary for brain protection. Glutathione is known as the guardian of the cell and is an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifier, and protector. 
  11. Fevers produced by viral or bacterial infections will not cause brain damage or permanent physical harm. 
  12. High fevers do not cause seizures. It's the extremely rapid rise of a temperature that does this. Seizures are scary to see but they do not cause permanent damage and if a child does this chronically, homeopathy can uproot it. It is rare that a child continues to have these after the age of 5.  

REMEMBER to keep the person HYDRATED!

Let's learn some remedy profiles for fevers.

Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Think INFLAMMATION! Red, hot, and high! The Belladonna fever is going to be higher and the child may have a red, hot, flushed face or ears. The child might have dilated pupils and throbbing pains in the head with this fever. Delirium could be present along with swollen glands, throbbing pains anywhere, fullness and congestion of the ears or nose, and bright redness and dryness on the body. There may be convulsive movements or epileptic attacks followed by nausea and vomiting. The child may have a dry mouth and throat with an aversion to water. She is thirstless and a sore throat or earache may accompany this fever. 

Chamomilla (German Chamomile): This fever presents with IRRITABILITY! The temperament of chamomilla is easily spotted and I'll tell you a story, which may help you to remember it. My oldest son, the one who had all the ear infections as a young child, suddenly developed an earache at about 14 years old. He was rolling around on the bed, screaming that his ear hurt, demanding that I MUST do something to stop it! He was inconsolable. He was so upset that I couldn't think! I needed to go look at my notes and at that time I was strictly classical so I needed to repertorize the case and then read the Materia Medica. Obviously, I had no time for that and I had not memorized or learned my remedies which is why I want to teach others to do so. I chose chamomilla in a 30th potency (remember, I was strictly classical and was afraid of 200s) just to calm him down and then went downstairs to begin my search. Within minutes he was silent and I was relieved so I could do my search! I decided on a remedy (I don't remember which one) and when I went back upstairs, he was asleep. I thought, ok, I'll give it to him when he wakes up. When he woke up hours later, the pain was GONE, never to return! I couldn't believe it and I never forgot it! So chamomilla can be seen in the temperament that is inconsolable. She asks for a drink of water, you give it to her, and she doesn't want it. She's screaming and mad. She wants to be picked up and you pick her up but then she wants to be put back down. You can't make her happy. That's chamomilla especially when accompanied by pain or fever. 

Aconitum Napellus (Monkshood): The Aconite fever will present FAST, right? Remember my rhyme from the Cold and Flu podcast (#5): First, Fast, Fear, Fright, that's when we call on Aconite! So this fever may present as the first symptom, suddenly, and with fear. The child may be afraid that she's getting sick or a fright may have brought on the illness. It may present with a sore throat, severe pains, restlessness, or anxiety. It's a great remedy to give in the first 24-48 hours of a cold or flu with fever. 

Ferrum Phos (Iron Phosphate): Again, think INFLAMMATION! Ferrum Phos is a great FIRST remedy to give in a fever where the person gets colds and sore throats easily. It's great for the first stage of all inflammatory disorders like we talked about in the cold and flu episode (#5). Anytime there is blood loss, Ferrum Phos is going to be a great choice. So think of Ferrum Phos in the first stage of a cold or flu with fever and inflammation, sore throat, bronchitis, or nose bleeds. This is also great for fever of unknown origin, where the fever is the only symptom present.   

Next up is COUGHS. 

Coughs can be tricky. There are so many variables to consider and questions to ask or things to observe. I go into great detail on coughs in my cold, cough, and flu Quizlet class, linked in the show notes. There are MANY great cough remedies but I'm only going to go into 3 of them here. I can't even say they're the top 3 because it doesn't work that way. Each cough remedy has its own symptoms and while some overlap, it really depends on so many factors so I want to try to simplify this for you. 

First, you need to take good notes. Next, you need to try to figure out what brought it on. What happened just before this cough began? Was it all the sugary treats at grandma's house or the cold, dry wind outside? Was it 5G exposure? OH WAIT! I didn't just say that! 😂 That's a WHOLE OTHER episode! You need to know if it is painful and if so, where? What does it sound like? Is there mucous coming up or is it dry? Is there mucous in the lungs that can't be expectorated? Is there a tickle in the throat that causes a coughing spell? We need all the details! Coughs are not easy! Remember, if you need help, I can do an acute consult. I'll place a link in the show notes and transcription or you can contact me. My acute consultations provide you with 5 days of ongoing text support. It's like a homeopathic house call! I guide you through the illness step by step. So let's go with 3 of the remedies that can be very useful in coughs. 

  1. Bryonia Alba (Wild Hops): Bryonia mixed with Aconite is a brilliant remedy combination at the first sign of a cold with a dry cough. Everything with Bryonia is dry and painful. This painful cough makes the rib cage hurt and may feel bruised. You can use Arnica if the ribs do get bruised from coughing. This cough is aggravated by deep breathing and the person must breathe shallow to try not to cough. He might hold his chest when he coughs because he wants to keep it still since motion induces more pain. The dryness of Bryonia includes lips, throat, cough, and bowels so there may be a new onset of constipation with dry, hard stools.  He may be very thirsty and have a headache that’s worse with motion. In fact, this remedy is number one for migraines. This is a good remedy for pneumonia and influenza.
  2. Drosera Rotundifolia (Round-leaved Sundew) is #1 for whooping cough. Reading from The Wildlife Trusts website, “The carnivorous lifestyle of the Round-leaved sundew makes this heathland plant a fascinating species. The round leaves have sticky, 'dew'-covered tendrils that tempt in unsuspecting insects as prey.” It looks like the drawing of a virus! You know that round green or red thing with all the tendrils sticking out of it with the balls on the ends? Yeah, that’s just a drawing someone made up. Nobody knows what a virus looks like but this plant looks kind of like that! Being so useful for whooping cough, it also works well as a preventative during epidemic or exposure. This cough is loose and rattly with yellow mucous. The voice is deep and hoarse. There may be pain in the chest under the ribs. She might vomit from too much mucous. This cough is worse at night and made worse by singing or talking.
  3. There are so many great cough remedies, it’s hard to choose just three! But I guess I have to keep this short so you can get much more in a Quizlet class. In fact, you can get 19 terms in the cold, cough, and flu class. The next remedy I want to point out is Phosphorus, which is good for a variety of coughs so keep it in your remedy stash! Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element of the nitrogen family. The Phosphorus cough can be a dry, croupy cough or a loose and deep one. It may be accompanied by all kinds and colors of phlegm. It may have chest pain that is worse with motion and worse when lying on the left side. There may be tightness in the chest. Cold air and lying down worsen the cough and it can be triggered during the time of falling asleep. Liquids aggravate the cough so this person may not want to drink OR she could be craving ice-cold drinks. Phosphorus is good for laryngitis and hoarseness. She may be chilly and want to be all covered up and too worried or nervous to be alone. She wants that company and reassurance. 

There you have it, friends! Fevers and coughs are NO fun but remember to STAY HYDRATED with good, clean water, chicken or bone broth (there's a difference ya know), and/or herbal teas and healthy, fresh juices. 

Remember to subscribe to this podcast so you can be alerted when the next one comes out, which so far has been Monday mornings. I will do my best to stick to this as much as possible BUT I have also been very busy developing a complete mentorship program to be released early 2021. I'll share more about that later. In the meantime, if you want to truly learn the remedy profiles for the most common acute conditions, go check out my Quizlet classes where you can study individually or with friends who are also studying. There are SEVEN study modes to choose from including LEARN which guides you from basic review to mastery with encouraging progress checkpoints along the way. Repetition is key to memorization and this LEARN mode does just that! You can also choose to study with the FLASHCARDS mode where you can shuffle the order in which they're presented. The WRITE mode prompts you with the term where you'll type in the corresponding definition. If you get it wrong, it'll be placed back in the deck but even if you get it right, it'll come up again later to be sure you continue towards mastery. The SPELL mode helps you learn how to spell all these wonderful remedies! In the TEST mode you can quiz yourself on what you've learned so you'll know how close you are to mastery. There are also two games with high score leader boards for healthy competition with those in your class! In MATCH, you'll match terms to definitions as fast as you can. GRAVITY is a space-themed game like Asteroids where the terms fall from the sky at the rate you choose and you have to type in their definitions before they hit the ground. HOW FUN IS THAT!??! You can study with Quizlet from any device and at any time that suits you! Many people have asked me to sell my 20+ years of notes and this is one way to get access to some of that! 

I would also encourage you to consider taking one of my live classes. You can find those on my website. The next episode is all about the best remedies for anxiety and depression so be sure to come back next time! 

Be whole, Be Healthy, Be blessed!

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