Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

#23 VIRUSES help and prevention

July 12, 2021 Melissa Crenshaw Season 1 Episode 23
Homeopathy At Home with Melissa
#23 VIRUSES help and prevention
Show Notes Transcript

Download my Viruses Guide from my website HERE

Get these remedies in your arsenal and learn how to use them in this guide


Good morning. Today I would like to talk to you about viruses. Now, why would I want to talk about viruses in July? Well, in my practice, I have been helping lots of families with children with this stomach virus and cough. There's been lots of vomiting and diarrhea and coughing going on, so I've done lots of acute consults recently. Today, my children are going to camp for the weekend with church, and I wanted to share with you what I'm doing and what I've done with homeopathy to protect them. 

On my website, https://melissacrenshaw.com/free-resources-2, I have a viruses guide that you can download and print to become a little booklet. I'm going to go through this with you so that you can learn how to use it well, whether you're going to use it this summer or you're going to save it for the fall. I do the things I mention in this guide; I will do it again in October or November, and then possibly again in January or February. I've also done it in the last few weeks before my kids were going to camp.  If you have a viruses guide already, pause right here and go grab it so you can go through it with me. 

On the front, you'll see Copyright 2020, because I made this in 2020. On Page 1, it goes through a little bit about why homeopathy is safe. It's been around for over 200 years. It's a system of medicine. It's not vitamins, herbs, essential oils, supplements - it is a system of natural medicine (these medicines are made from all the things that God gave us in the beginning). Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic. We can make the medicines from toxins, but when they're made into homeopathic remedies, they're not toxic anymore. They have no long-term side effects. It does not destroy your gut. Homeopathy does not suppress conditions. The chronic conditions that you are likely dealing with are a result of ill-managed acute conditions, meaning that they were suppressed. This includes colds. cough, flu, whatever kinds of things you dealt with as a kid, but chronic things can also be inherited. I go through all those things in my classes. Homeopathy is safe for all ages. The next one talks about how effective homeopathy is. Homeopathy goes deep to uproot conditions rather than just palliate them. You're going to get relief, but we're not just looking for relief here - it goes deep to uproot the condition. Palliation is not a cure and often includes suppression, which only drives the pathology deeper. This suppression results in a new condition because you never addressed the original problem. Like what I said before, ill-managed acute conditions lead to chronic conditions. The last little bullet point on this page is that homeopathy is inexpensive. It is relatively inexpensive compared to essential oils, vitamins, herbs, supplements - you can buy a bottle anywhere from less than $10 to $20, and that bottle can last a long time depending on the size of the pill and the size of the bottle. 

On page two, I talk about the history of homeopathy and epidemics. This is so cool! During the Spanish Flu of 1918, Dr. T.A. McCann from Dayton, Ohio, reported that 24,000 cases of Spanish Flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2%, while 26,000 cases of the Spanish Flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%. This last figure was echoed and endorsed by Dr. Dean Pearson of Philadelphia, who recorded 26,795 cases of the Spanish Flu with the same result. Those are amazing numbers! 

Another example is the yellow fever epidemic of 1878. The worst yellow fever epidemic in US history occurred in 1878, with over 5000 deaths in Memphis, Tennessee alone and 20,000 deaths in Mississippi Valley. Various yellow fever epidemics raged throughout the deep south. In the mid to late 19th century, reports showed homeopathy statistics. Dr. Davis reported a 6% mortality rate using homeopathy and Dr. Holcomb reported a 6.43% mortality rate using homeopathy. Dr. Osler reported a 15% to 85% mortality rate from various dates and locations using allopathy. Allopathy is your over-the-counter and prescription drugs. I can't even remember the names of them because I don't use them. For diphtheria from 1862 to 1864, homeopathy had a 16.40% mortality rate compared to allopathy that had an 83.60% mortality rate - big differences! 

Another case was the colera epidemic in 1855 - homeopathy, 2% mortality rate and allopathy, 40%-60% mortality rate. Those are compelling numbers, don't you agree?  

Let's look at page three. Page three talks about prophylactic homeopathy. If you've been in my classes or if you know me, you know I'm not a big fan of prophylaxis. However, I do use this protocol prophylactically with my family and it has proven to work beautifully. The definition of prophylaxis is "action taken to prevent disease." Thuja (pronounced THU-ya or THU-ja) is a great prophylactic for viruses. The Banerji protocol, when I wrote this in 2020, at that point was recommending Thuja 30c, once a day for seven days, then once a week for three weeks for prevention of viruses. I have done twice a day for seven days, then twice a week for three weeks, and then once a week for a couple of weeks. You know when you stop taking it every day it gets kind of hard to remember. That's loosely what I've done and it works beautifully. That's also what I've done this time before my kids are going to camp, and I took it right along with them.  

Another prophylactic protocol is Gelsemium 30c. This can be used weekly when a flu outbreak is distant, or daily for seven days when it gets into your community, then twice weekly until the threat passes. Gelsemium is great for flu when there's malaise and a frontal headache, a headache in the forehead.  A reason you might choose to use one of these protocols this summer is VBS, kids camps, vacations, your family is traveling on airplanes or buses and being exposed to a lot of different places and different people. It's a great idea to do something prophylactic to help your family stay healthy through all of that, and then of course remember to take your kit with you on vacation. My kids each have a kit that they're taking with them to camp.  

Another prophylactic protocol is Influenzinum 30. This can be used about a month before flu season starts, so probably later in the year. Joette Calabrese recommends four doses in one day repeated weekly for a month. She says to stop this protocol when the threat is over. If you order Influenzinum, order straight from Boiron because they will send it to you with instructions on how to take it prophylactically.  

The next page has protocols for if you get sick. I love Aconite 200c mixed with Bryonia 200c at the first sign of a cold, cough, or flu - every hour or two if it's very severe, every few hours if it's not very severe. I have been doing Aconite 200 and Bryonia 200 for about two years now, and I am absolutely loving that protocol. It has helped coughs and colds and sore throats for us. Every year, for at least three years in a row, my family got the flu. The last time we got it, I determined to do this prophylaxis protocol the next year. I did, and we didn't get sick this year! I believe the last time we got sick was February 2020, and this is now summer 2021, so I really love the Thuja protocol that I used. 

If you do start to come down with something, though, Bryonia 200 mixed with Aconite 200 (aconitum napellus) is going to be an amazing protocol to help you move through it quickly and more easily.  

Here are some pneumonia remedies if your cold/cough/flu turns into pneumonia. Bryonia, Eupatorium, Phosphorous, Antimonium Tart, Arsenicum Album, Kali Carb, and Sulphur. Those are great pneumonia remedies. If you haven't seen my "50 Top Remedies" series on YouTube yet, go to my YouTube channel, find that playlist of the 50 top remedies, and subscribe. There's a new one released every Friday, so they're not all out yet, but you'll get to learn these remedies. Antimonium tart is already on there, and by the time you listen to this, maybe all of these will be on there. I just go through the keynotes of each remedy. They're very short videos and they help you to learn them so you'll know which one to choose if you were to get sick.  

Remember to consult a homeopath if/when you're not sure. People often ask me, "How do I know when I need professional help?" My answer is always when you're unsure. You're trying everything, you're throwing everything at it, but you're not having results. You just don't know what to do and you're overwhelmed, get help! I do acute consults and would be happy to help you through any acute condition. I also do chronic consults, but we're talking about acute conditions right now so that's why I brought that up.  

Flu remedies are a Oscillococcinum, Influenzinum, Gelsemium, Aconitum, Bryonia, Rhus Tox, Eupatorium, Arsenicum Album, Belladonna, Drosera, Ferrum Phos, and Natrum Mur. All of those are listed right here in the viruses guide. I know that I went through them quickly, so go grab this viruses guide off my website and you can have the list right there.  

Some medicines for colds are ColdCalm (Boiron's mixed remedy), Allium Cepa, Apis, Aconitum mixed with Bryonia, Arsenicum Album, Euphrasia, Ferrum Phos, Natrum Mur, Kali Bich, Pulsatilla. Those are great remedies, and you can learn those remedies and how to use them in my series "50 Top Remedies". 

Page 5 of this viruses guide goes on to tell you a little bit about two of the classes that I offer, but I have more than that on my website, https://melissacrenshaw.com/learn. I would love to see you in a class!  

The last page has my phone number and all my contact information. Back on the inside of the cover, there is a table of contents, but it also has a place for notes. I put that there because I want you to take good notes. It's super, super, super important! When you're dealing with a virus or a chronic condition and you're treating yourself with homeopathy, you must take good notes so that you know if you're on the right track. Remember, in acute conditions you're going to take the chosen remedy or protocol for four doses, and after that fourth dose, reevaluate and decide if it was the correct remedy. If it wasn't, then you need to move on and choose a different remedy or a different protocol. Never continue to take remedies that are not working. By "not working," I mean ZERO change. If there's a slight change, then that's good and you want to stick with it. I hope that this has been helpful for you and that this has blessed you! 

Viruses are year-round. I'm always helping people in June and July with stomach viruses and all kinds of other viruses. I remember the days when it really was only in the winter, but it's not anymore. You could choose to take a prophylactic protocol maybe twice a year like we do. I like to do it in January, because we used to get sick in February, so I do it in January and then I do it again in June, before my kids get started with camps and vacations and all the things. 

I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. I would love to see you in a class! Check out my mentorship program, too.  

Before I go, I wanted to thank all of you for your wonderful reviews on iTunes for this podcast. I am so thankful that you would take the time to give me five stars and to type up a review! I just want to read what one of them said, so today I'm going to read one titled, "Informative and easy to understand." "Melissa's podcasts are so informative. She has a way of explaining things that make it easy to understand, and I find myself listening intently and forgetting about everything else. The time flies by and before I know it the podcast is over. I've learned something new and can implement it today. Melissa embraces wherever you are on the homeopathic/natural lifestyle and encourages you where you are." Thank you so much, Leticia. I appreciate that because that's what I love and want to do - I want to meet you where you are. That's what I did in the hospital as a lactation consultant. I would walk into each and every room and meet that patient where she was and meet that family where they were. It's so, so encouraging to read that you get that from this podcast, so thank you. 

Friends, if you want to write a review, I'll read it on one of my podcasts. I'm just so thankful that you all would take the time to do that. Thank you! Have a blessed day.

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