Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Exploring Folliculinum: A Homeopathic Key to Wellness

Melissa Crenshaw Season 4 Episode 8

Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.

Looking for an in-depth understanding of the transformative effects of homeopathy? Well, buckle in as we unpack folliculinum, a homeopathic remedy known for balancing the endocrine system, female hormones and much more!

This discussion also dives deep into the psychological implications of the folliculinum personality. These are individuals who often feel controlled by others and tend to lose their sense of self. Melissa also shines light on the physical benefits of folliculinum - think relief from allergies, autoimmune issues, digestive disorders, to hormonal issues. An interesting aspect that comes up is the significance of ovaries in maintaining hormonal balance, even past menopause. So, tune in as we explore the holistic power of homeopathy and gain invaluable insights into health and wellbeing.


Bri Hurlburt  0:00  

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey, Melissa. 

Melissa Crenshaw  0:04  

Hey Bri. I'm excited to talk about this remedy tonight. 

Bri Hurlburt  0:07  

Me too.  We are going to talk about Folliculinum but before we get started, I want to read another review. I really like starting this way. This one is sent to us by Love54578, so thank you, whoever you are. And they said, “Thank you, Melissa for giving me my son back. My son was moderate to severe PANDAS and has turned around completely. Melissa has been on point with every remedy and every remedy change. I was so confused when I started between Classical versus Practical Homeopathy. Practical wins by a landslide. I love the knowledge Melissa has and the way she allows God to speak through her is amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My whole family has benefited and our lives have improved dramatically because of you, Melissa. You have blessed us so much. Praise God.” That's so sweet.

Melissa Crenshaw  1:06  

Thank you.  That's very sweet. Thank you so much for just taking time to post that and encourage me in that way. Thank you so much.  

Bri Hurlburt  1:15  

Wow.  Look at you.  Also if you're dealing with PANDAS, just know Melissa is great at it. And I went there. We do use a lot of Practical Homeopathy, but you're kind of a mesh of Practical with a lot of, not Classical but not strictly Practical.

Melissa Crenshaw  1:35  

Right. I think when you're saying Practical, you're meaning like the Banerji protocols.

Bri Hurlburt 1:40


Melissa Crenshaw 1:42

And that's not how I view Practical. I learned from Dr. Murphy, like Practical is “Let's be practical about this.”

Bri Hurlburt  1:52  

Got it.  Okay.  We do so many Gateways, I think in my mind when we hear Practical, it's linked to protocols. So that's good. Yeah. Practical as you're using it practically.

Melissa Crenshaw  2:00  

You're being practical about this.  Some people say Dr. Hahnemann was classical and he used one remedy at a time. And yes, he did. But he didn't have all the EMFs.

Bri Hurlburt  2:16  

All the interferences we have now.

Melissa Crenshaw  2:19  

He didn’t have all the things that we have now. I believe that we need more frequent stimulation because of what we have attacking us so I do like to be more practical about it.

Bri Hurlburt  2:30  

Okay, so we are doing Folliculinum tonight, which is a really great hormone remedy.

So kick us off. 

Melissa Crenshaw  2:41  

All right.  Folliculinum as a remedy is about helping to get our balance back of our endocrine system and our female hormones, estrogen in particular. It's about control, Folliculinum.  They feel like they're controlled by someone else, a bit like Carcinosin.  There's no real strong sense of themselves. She feels like she's controlled by another. She's out of sorts with her rhythms. She's living out someone else's expectations. She loses her will. She overestimates her energy reserves. Full of self denial. She becomes a rescuer, addicted to rescuing people.  She becomes drained. She has become a doormat. She has forgotten who she is. She says she has no individuality, losing sense of herself and totally loses herself in her relationships. 

When a woman is on a birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy, our mood is under the control of that. So there needs to be balance. But you need to find your balance, not have an artificial state put on you, which means no you're not yourself. You are the self that's dictated by the medication that you're taking. So this remedy is for people who lose their sense of themselves. The balance of the endocrine system is really important for deciding who we actually are and how we operate in the world. If we don't have that balance, we don't really have a good sense of ourselves and we may allow ourselves to be controlled by other people. We may lose who we are and follow somebody else's desires. 

The Folliculinum person can be very easily controlled in every way by other people's thoughts, needs and moods. There's a pressure aspect, brought out by Dorothy Cooper, who says “pressure in adults of continued ill health, slow recovery after recurrent or severe infection. This covers especially, in my experience, young men after glandular fever, or presenting with what is becoming identified as post viral syndrome. I start these cases by using Carcinosin but add Folliculinum if the Carcinosin doesn’t achieve a lasting response. The same applies to patients not responding well after cortisone treatment.” That's the quote from Dorothy Cooper. 

So the pressure is either post viral, or people who feel that they have no life outside of work, feeling like a hamster on a wheel, pressure to work extra, not getting home until late, leaving early, no time for exploring who they are and what they need in life, get fatigued and burned out. It could be pressure to conform to cultural or religious norms.  Folliculinum helps clarify what is right for them and helps them move forward with their life, either happily staying in the religion that they were brought up in and have come to love with the family and support of that religion around them or to say no, I need to find my own way of being in the world. 

It's very important for teenagers. Peer pressure is insidious. Folliculinum sometimes helps young people to get more of a sense of who they are so they can resist peer pressure to drink, take drugs, smoke, have sex before their before marriage, before it's their path and what they choose for themselves when it's somebody else pressuring them. So pressure is a very strong feature in Folliculinum. 

Dr. Christina Ari says, “Every woman has her own individual, rhythmical cycle which helps her to find the right measure in relation to empathy, devotion, self-determination, strength of will, individuality. These are the essential prerequisites of a healthy female organism.” Dr. Christina Ari has done a lot of work with Folliculinum and she believes that Folliculinum helps people, mostly women, to find that balance and their pathway in life.

The ovaries, where the secretion comes from, are the seat of creativity in terms of creation, procreation, but they also are connected with us being creative in our lives. More than any other remedies, Carcinosin and Folliculinum, when you give them, they'll come back and they'll look different. It brings them back beyond them being a daughter, a mother, a teacher, a wife, whatever other roles they have, they kind of forget who they are and what they need and what defines them. We see them coming back to that when they're given these remedies.

Bri Hurlburt  8:02  

So coming back to that meaning, maybe they've lost the sense of who they were before all these things and they feel more grounded. 

Melissa Crenshaw 8:10


Bri Hurlburt 8:11

Okay.  so things that Folliculinum can be helpful for physically.  Folliculinum can help allergies and autoimmune issues, abdominal swellings and digestive disorders. I do like that analogy, I think is the correct term, it's late. But where the allergies and autoimmune disorders attack your own body and the mental picture for Folliculinum is we don't recognize ourselves or who we are. This is a physical picture of the body not recognizing, the immune system not recognizing ourselves. 

It can be great for cardiovascular problems. Candida and yeast infections, so that craving for wheat and sugar might be there. Can be good for cystitis, dizziness, fibroids, hair loss, headaches and migraines, hot flashes, hyperactivity.  Any menstrual cycle irregularities.  Folliculinum can be good for panic attacks, skin rashes, vaginal dryness, weight gain especially around the period, PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Obviously lots of hormonal issues. 

A Folliculinum person might never have been well since hormone replacement therapy or IVF treatment. People who struggle to regain their balance after these interventions. Birth control pill is another one. We talked about … Well, I don't know if we’ve ever actually talked about hysterectomies or anything like that in here, but how important it is to keep your ovaries, if possible. If you have a problem with your uterus, try to keep your ovaries, as a side note, for your hormone balance. Our ovaries can continue to be functioning endocrine organisms after menopause. Let me try that one one more time. I call the ovaries organisms, which maybe they are. They continue to be functioning endocrine organs even after menopause so when they are removed, you are more at risk for heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, mood swings, weight gain, lots of problems. So just keep that in mind. Obviously, there are cases where you don't have that choice, but if you do.

Part of this picture is a woman gaining back control over their own body and I say that not like we are in control of everything, but just autonomy like deciding. 

Folliculinum is a huge remedy for PMS. Almost all PMS symptoms are covered under Folliculinum:  anger, tears. We mentioned weight gain before but this is a big weight gain. So you might have two different bras, one before your period and then a two cup difference during your period. Maybe even a different size pants. Maybe like a 10 pound weight change, so big shifts, not just a few pounds.  Breast tenderness, irregular periods, lots of mood swings. 

Like we had mentioned before, it can still be a good menopause remedy.  We are not going to talk about menopause a lot today. Melissa is actually putting together a menopause course. I don't know when that will be by the time this comes out but if it's not already out, keep an eye out for it. There'll be a lot of other great remedies there, but Folliculinum is a good one to consider.

Melissa Crenshaw  12:23  

Yeah, I love Folliculinum.  I would start with a 6c once or twice a day. 

Bri Hurlburt 12:31


Melissa Crenshaw 12:32

awesome. That's great.  Folliculinum is beautiful.  I hope that you'll read it in the Materia Medica and consider it if you feel like it fits you.  Let us know in the comments what else you want to learn about.  And please leave us a review. Those are so encouraging. Thank you so much for listening.

Bri Hurlburt  12:54  

That was so nice. That was really great to read. Thank you all for being here again. Good night.

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