Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

The Art of Organizing Homeopathic Remedies with Sarah Dorsey

Melissa Crenshaw Season 4 Episode 13

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Snag yours fast! This offer goes away on 2/26/24, but even if you miss the promotion, these organizers are a treasure!

Ever find yourself rummaging through a cluttered box of homeopathic remedies, wishing for an easy way to organize it all? Well, Sarah Dorsey, the creative genius behind Olive + Oak Homeopathy Storage, might just be the answer. In our cozy chat, Sarah delves into how her background in fine arts and interior design led her to craft the perfect solution for all homeopathy enthusiasts. With a nudge from her husband, she conjured up her first product, a cabinet door mount that sparked the evolution of her bespoke storage systems. It's not just about tidying up; it's about transforming spaces with elegantly designed pieces that promise to keep your growing collection of remedies both accessible and aesthetically pleasing.

Join us as we get the inside scoop on Sarah's journey from a personal quest to a thriving business, offering customizable storage solutions that fit seamlessly into any home. Admire the photos of my own drawer, meticulously measured and fitted with Sarah's raw birch hardwood designs, which are as much a feast for the eyes as they are functional. Whether you're taking your first steps into homeopathy or need to refine your remedy repository, Sarah's passion for both design and natural healing will inspire you. Peek into the world of Olive + Oak where practicality meets beauty, and discover how you can bring a touch of Sarah's creations into your home.


Bri Hurlburt  0:00  

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey Melissa.

Melissa Crenshaw  0:04  

Hey Bri.  Great to see you.

Bri Hurlburt  0:05  

Always good to see you. Today we actually have another guest with us. Hi, Sarah. 

Sarah Dorsey 0:12


Bri Hurlburt 0:14

Hi real quick, and then we'll have you introduce yourself in just a second.

Melissa Crenshaw  0:19  

We've got Sarah coming on today to share with us something I'm super excited about. She's going to tell you all about it, but it's a product that she actually sent me to test out. So I've tested it myself and I absolutely love it, so I can't wait for her to share what this is and how you can get one or some for yourself. We're going to have some questions, but Sarah, just introduce yourself and tell us what you do. 

Sarah Dorsey  0:54  

Hi there. I'm Sarah Dorsey, founder of Olive and Oak Homeopathy Storage.  We create storage solutions for homeopathy.  I got started in fine arts and interior design and then just really fell into homeopathy.  I got introduced to homeopathy, really through Kat and then Melissa, started learning and getting more and more remedies. Of course, then I was digging through my box, couldn't find what I was looking for.  My husband and I love designing and creating things so I gave him the challenge to come up with a solution. We came up with our first solution cabinet door mount and it just kind of took off from there. I didn't see anything else on the market so I thought, “Hey, I bet someone else would like this too,” and just started listing it online and it kind of took off from there.

Melissa Crenshaw  1:51  

I love it. What a great story that you were like, “I love homeopathy,” because we've all been there. All of us that love homeopathy, we've had the bag or the box that we're digging through. Right? That's how everybody starts. And then you're like, “How?” And this is a common question that I get in classes and in my groups all the time. “How are you guys organizing your remedies?”

I've had a couple of solutions that haven't been as good as what you've got. Let's take a look at them. Let me just share a couple. These are my personal pictures of my drawer that I use this in.  Okay, so each row is one … What do you call it, Sarah? One thing.

Sarah Dorsey  2:48  

So each row is one piece of the storage system for the drawer. It's nice because you can customize to add on as you need to as your collection grows, so it's fully customizable.

Melissa Crenshaw  3:02  

Yeah, you know what I love and I was so impressed with? I did the measurement. So I measured my drawer. Right? And then I sent Sarah the measurements and it is … You can see. It is absolutely perfect. 

Bri Hurlburt  3:19  

You literally make them to fit. I was going to say those fits so well in there. It's so perfect. 

Sarah Dorsey  3:26  

Yeah, so we do have a few set sizes, but we have definitely had some people ask for some custom sizes and we can do that for sure.

Bri Hurlburt  3:37  

Okay.  And what type of wood is that?  Is that just raw? Do you seal it with anything or is it just a raw wood?  It’s light colored, which I like.

Sarah Dorsey  3:44  

It comes in a raw birch solid hardwood.  Right now, we don't have any sealants on that but we can definitely do that if people ask for that.

Bri Hurlburt  3:57  

Okay, so on your website, too, there are a couple other designs I saw. Right? You said the first one you started with was that cabinet door one?

Sarah Dorsey  4:06  

Sure. Yes. So the first one we started with was a cabinet door mount and Melissa is sharing that right now. That's the very first one we did. I loved how it was easy to keep in my kitchen, and yet it was concealed so I could keep it away from my kids. It was really easy to access. They just slide in from the top and then rest on the bottom and they mount to the cabinet door with damage free strips so that they are removable, but pretty sturdy, too.

Bri Hurlburt  4:37  

I love the look of those two. They're pretty.  I mean I have these acrylic ones, too, but those are not super inexpensive and they don't really add to the space. I really love that look. And they fit … You have a whole list on your website so this is more for people listening. I'm just kind of telling them what we're looking at.  You have listed the size bottles from all those different brands that fit in there, which is really helpful.

Sarah Dorsey  5:10  

Correct.  Yep. We have one size that fits both Boiron and Ollios.  This is for the cabinet mount. And then we also have a size four OHM and TapRoots, I think it's a seven gram bottle. So that's our medium size. And then our largest size is WHP, which is a 4 dram bottle. Then we also have people email us asking if a specific brand will fit in the tubes so it is pretty flexible, too. We don't have all the brands listed on there but enough that I think people get a good idea of what will fit in the organizer. 

Bri Hurlburt  5:49  

OHM and TapRoots are a little bigger, which means the Boiron and Ollios could still fit in those?

Sarah Dorsey 5:55


Bri Hurlburt 5:56

It would just be a little bit loose.

Sarah Dorsey  5:59  

Correct.  It does still fit in the cabinet mount.  It is a little loose, so it will shake around, but we've tested it and it doesn't fall out. The best solution for multiple brands in the same organizer is our drawer mount just because it lays on the side so the gravity kind of holds it in place. That's kind of the cleanest look for multiple brands but it definitely still does work in the cabinet mount as well.

Melissa Crenshaw  6:24  

That's this thing that I have.  The drawer mount is what I have, right? 

Sarah Dorsey 6:27


Melissa Crenshaw 6:28

Because you guys, you know, you saw what I was sharing, and I had all different brands in there in that one drawer.  And so I've got one organized in alphabetical order and in potency. So if I have Nat mur 6, 30, and 200.  It’s alphabetical and then by potency so it's easy to find for me, but also you can see every … You can see the labels and see what you're looking at. It's amazing. 

Sarah Dorsey  7:00  

Exactly.  That was a game changer for me, because especially, it's 2 in the morning, my kid is sick, I need to find something quickly so kind of the last thing I want to do is dig through a box. As soon as I got that on my cabinet it was definitely a game changer and made all the difference. 

Melissa Crenshaw  7:16  

I love it. I love it. What were you saying right before we actually started? I asked you if you carve these out yourself. Tell me how you make them.

Sarah Dorsey  7:29  

Sure. My husband and I, we’re a team. We come up with a design together and we have a machine that helps with some of the process, but all the pieces are hand finished, hand sanded, and obviously hand packaged. So yeah, a lot of care goes into them.  We use a local Mennonite lumber mill, so trying to keep everything local. We're really passionate about the quality of our product and sourcing good materials.

Melissa Crenshaw 8:02  

So good.

Bri Hurlburt  8:04  

So you make them all from scratch, even those little cabinet mounts?  You're putting all that together yourself?

Sarah Dorsey  8:11  

Correct. We do have a machine that helps make it easier. We started by just using more basic tools and piecing them together but we do have a machine that makes that a little bit easier and speeds up the process a little bit.

Bri Hurlburt  8:25  

I love that stuff. I could probably talk a lot just about how you make them but I don't think people come here for that. So I am curious. I know this is off topic from the actual products but if it's okay to ask about your journey into homeopathy. What was that like?

Sarah Dorsey  8:41  

Oh, yeah. I really started looking for answers after I became a mom. I'm sure a lot of people say that. Not feeling comfortable with the traditional medical path, but feeling confused. Not really knowing what to do. I was introduced to Kat and then Kat introduced me to Melissa. And gosh, I mean, I just remember the first remedy that my child took. It was like a night and day difference. He just made such a drastic improvement and I was hooked from there. I don't worry any more about illnesses. I feel confident that I can manage at home.  My other son is prone to respiratory issues when he gets sick and I'm able to manage that at home. It just feels so confident to be not reliant on an external doctor, but feeling like I'm taking the health of my family in my own hands. So yeah, I'm forever grateful for being introduced to homeopathy and I just love it so much. 

Every time I package something for somebody, it just feels like a connection to the community and feeling like we're in this together because I think a lot of times when you are out in public, you feel kind of isolated and you feel alone for the decisions that you're making. And I really like the connection that I found in the community.

Bri Hurlburt  10:13  

And you know if they're ordering organizers, they have enough remedies where they mean it. 

Sarah Dorsey 10:19

Sure. Yeah. 

Bri Hurlburt 10:20

They have enough that they're serious about this. 

Sarah Dorsey 10:24

For sure.

Melissa Crenshaw  10:26  

I love it. So anything else, Bri, that you think we should know, our listeners? I did want to say, for those that are listening to the podcast.  I shared my screen. I showed pictures.  Jump over to the YouTube channel so you can actually see what we shared. We're going to share all of Sarah's contact information in the description of this podcast and video. What is your website, if you want to just say it?

Sarah Dorsey  10:56  

Sure. It's homeopathystorage.com.

Melissa Crenshaw  10:59  

Homeopathystorage.com. That's so easy. I love it. And I love the name Olive and Oak. That's beautiful.

Sarah Dorsey  11:07  

Yes, that was inspired by the strength of oak and then the promise from God for the olive branch and just kind of thinking about that with my own homeopathy journey, too.

Melissa Crenshaw  11:19  

I love it. That's beautiful. Is there anything else, Sarah, you think that people should know about these organizers or any specials? We do know that this will come out, so nothing that you're running right now that's ending soon, but if there's anything that you want to share.

Sarah Dorsey  11:42  

I don't have a promo code now but we can talk about adding one for when it comes out. We can get a promo code for all the listeners.  I guess that's about it. I'm just really passionate about homeopathy and love that I've been able to combine that with my interest in design, and specifically product design.  And yeah, that's about it.

Melissa Crenshaw  12:07  

I love it.  So what we'll do then is add the promo code to the description so you guys can just scroll down and find some kind of discount or something. I'm super excited about this because we're always looking for solutions to just being organized because, like you said, kids get sick in the middle of the night. But also, when I'm not here and my family member has to come and find something and they don't know my system and they’re like, “What in the world? Where?”  I'm like, “Top. Second drawer.  Back.” It’s just so easy just to open it up and read. You can read, right?  A through Z.  We can do this. 

Bri Hurlburt  12:57  

We were just talking in class a week or two ago. I have this lipstick case thing that I keep a portion of my remedies in.  Then I get one new remedy and I'm like, “What am I going to do? Undo 100 remedies, move them all down the line?” I won't. Now I have my remedies. They're just exploding everywhere. In these drawer things, for anybody listening. It's like a … I don't even know how to describe the design. It looks like it’s a Kreg jig, if you know tools. Like that cut, you know, where it just lays down so you can just move them. I don't have to take them out of the sleeve. If you want to alphabetize them or put them with their other remedy potencies or whatever. I deeply appreciate that design.

Melissa Crenshaw  13:46  

Really good point.

Sarah Dorsey  13:46  

Yeah. I love the drawer design, too. 

Bri Hurlburt  13:50  

Yeah.  I mean the convenience, but it's pretty. 

Melissa Crenshaw  13:54  

Yeah, really pretty. 

Bri Hurlburt  13:54  

I appreciate that a lot.

Melissa Crenshaw  13:59  

Okay.  Thank you, Sarah. Is there anything else that we should know?

Sarah Dorsey  14:04  

I think that's it.

Melissa Crenshaw  14:05  

I love it. Thank you for being here and sharing this amazing product. I'm super excited about it because I'm using it and it's beautiful and it's sturdy. And it's perfect. And I'm thankful for your presence in our community, our homeopathy family. So thanks for being here.

Sarah Dorsey  14:23  

Thanks Melissa.  Thanks Bri.  

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