Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Integrating Faith and Health for True Wellness

Melissa Crenshaw Season 4 Episode 24

Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.

Listen in as Melissa and Bri launch their encouragement series inspired by the 2024 Rise & Shine retreat, exploring the intricate connection between homeopathy and spiritual growth. We dive deep into how the principle of healing from the inside out serves as a foundation for both physical and spiritual transformation. Through thoughtful discussions and reflections on scriptures like Proverbs 4:23 and 2 Timothy 2:21, we highlight how genuine change begins in the heart and manifests in our actions and service to others. This episode underscores the necessity of patience and faith as we navigate the often unexpected paths of internal healing.

In our first chapter, "Encouragement Through Homeopathy and Faith," we unveil the parallels between homeopathy's internal healing process and the journey of spiritual growth. We continue in the next chapter, "Healing Comes From Inside Out," where we emphasize the importance of understanding scripture within its full context. Our conversation reveals how true health is an integration of both physical and spiritual well-being, and how holding onto words that bring life and health can lead to a more holistic healing experience. Join us for an uplifting dialogue as we prepare to become vessels for honorable use and ready for every good work.


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey, Melissa.

Speaker 2:

Hey, brie, it's great to see you today. I am super excited about this series that we're getting ready to start. So, you guys, if you were at our retreat in 2024, depending on when you're listening to this then you heard some of these things that we're going to talk about. Not all of it, though, because we're going to talk some more, but at our retreat in 2024, brie did the first presentation, and it was so fantastic and so encouraging that I wanted to break it down into a few podcast episodes because of the encouragement. So I don't know what we're going to call this yet, but it's an encouragement series, and these are going to be short, so I'm going to let you, bree, start with your point number or start however you want to start.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, so this was something that I I remember us first talking about the retreat and I felt that this was heavy not in a bad way weighty that there was going to be weight to whatever that was, or it could have just been, that I knew I was speaking. I haven't spoken somewhere in a long time like that and wanted to speak from the Holy Spirit. So, for those of you listening, this was a spiritually focused teaching or devotional whatever that I shared, and it was from my own experiences, things that I felt like God had used my journey in homeopathy to show me about spiritual growth, and I didn't realize it was even happening. I really thought I was going to talk about something totally different. I had notes on something else and as it was coming together, I kept jotting down these points, or I would think about conversations you and I have had, melissa on other podcasts, or I'm hearing myself speak to a client and I'm hearing in my mind this can be applied to my spiritual walk. So, um, that's where this kind of stemmed from, and I eventually compiled it into 10 points. And then I was talking with one of the ladies there even after and we're like I mean, we got like one or two more and like this could keep going. So maybe we will, but that's where this came from. So the idea behind it.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, our podcast is about homeopathy, so I mean, that's what your focus is, melissa, but we as Christians, I think these go together for us. These go together for us. So I didn't want to just glorify homeopathy Like it's this magical thing and the thing of all things, but to bring it back to how God can use all the different roles in our life, any place you're in in your life, to show you more of himself. Um your journey as a Christian. So this was just how homeopathy did that for me. Um.

Speaker 1:

So number one was that healing comes from the inside out. With homeopathy, it focuses on healing internally. So when you take a remedy, it aims to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Instead of just addressing external symptoms, like allopathic medications suppress, you're stimulating healing. That process takes a lot more time, is usually slower than we'd like it to be. Um, it can be more painful or uncomfortable than we like it to be and can even happen in a different order than we want it to happen. So we'll get clients who come in for their chief complaints, and there are times where those are not the first things that we see healing or the first place we see healing. And in the same way I see that correlation in spiritual growth that it starts with an internal transformation and over time begins to show externally, obviously in our behavior and our lifestyle changes. But the work of God starts in our heart and changes us from the inside and then we live that out because of that transformation Instead of, I wouldn't say you know, in homeopathy we call Western medicine suppression, where I think very often, or at least the way a lot of people have grown up in the church, is clean yourself up before you come to the Lord, like you got to get your life in order, and that's not the way that Christ works.

Speaker 1:

So that was one thing, and I had a couple of scripture references and then we can just talk about this.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Proverbs 4.23 says, above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it, so that, meaning the way that we address our heart, are the issue of our sin in our life, the areas that we are pursuing that are out of line with God's desires for us, our behaviors and our the way that we live will flow out of that. And and second, timothy 2 21 says, therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. And that was powerful to me, because when we are, you know, physically healed, you are more available to do a lot more things in your life. So when we're talking homeopathy talk, you're much more available physically to do things for the people in your life to live a happier, more fulfilling life. And spiritually speaking, when we are in a healthy place, you can be a vessel for the, set apart for the work of the kingdom. So that's in a nutshell.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 2:

Step number one yeah, so you know what first came to my mind when you first, before you, said the scriptures, I was smiling because I was thinking, you know, when I first really decided to follow the Lord, right, so I was raised a Christian. You know my mom, I was raised believing in God and then I was baptized when I was 18 or 19,. But I still didn't get it. I was like, check did that? You know? But what? What you made me think of when I really decided to give him my all and surrender it all and follow him. Um, I still had in my mind how it was going to go. Right, I had it planned out. I was I want this first. I want this kind of whatever healing or this knowledge, this wisdom. I want to.

Speaker 2:

I feel like probably my first thing I wanted was I'm going to know this word, I want to know this word so good, I want to memorize all the scripture and so that I can talk to people about the word. And he had a different order. That wasn't what had to happen first. So he had to work on my heart first. He had to show me some things about my heart so that I could surrender those things. To show me some things about my heart so that I could surrender those things. So that was what came to my mind. Is that, yes, we have. I had, I had this idea, like, okay, this is how this is going to go. And then the Lord's like uh, no, this is how it's going to go.

Speaker 1:

And like keep going, you were going to keep going.

Speaker 2:

That's okay If you're going to. I was going to switch subjects.

Speaker 1:

So go ahead. Okay, so to go along with that too, I think we.

Speaker 1:

I kept thinking I do that for other people in my life, like I look at their life and think, oh, I should see them, I should see something different than what I'm seeing. And of course, as a Christian, we should see fruit right, like there should be some. But also it leaves a lot more room for grace and humility when we are aware that, in the same way that God is working internally in us and that comes over, the behavior change comes over time, that I can look at other people that way and give them that grace even my kids. So it makes me think of them. Like so often, we parent for behavior. We want them to behave instead of have hearts that want to follow Jesus, and it's like it's both right, like you do.

Speaker 1:

Behavior is important. Those principles of authority and behavior like those are important things to learn. But at the same time I would much rather have a little bit of a wild child who is slowly learning to be discipled in the way of Jesus and to love him, and when they make the decision to behave differently, it's because their heart desired that. Then a perfectly well-behaved child who does not understand Jesus, or grace or salvation or whatever.

Speaker 2:

So, or they're being perfectly well behaved because they're afraid of the consequences. So it's the fear you know. So it you know, a lot of people are raised that if I don't do good and I don't do the right things, then there's going to be this terrible punishment, rather than just those you're saying having the heart to be um, I'm acting this way because I want to follow Jesus and be right. It's just like I want to be like him.

Speaker 1:

And we have these conversations at home all the time about like, if they hear a word, I mean my kids are little, so they'll hear like words and they like why is this a fine word? And I'm like well, no word is a bad word. All the words are just words, right, but in our home we choose to speak in a way that honors God. So in the place we live, these words can be they mean negative things to someone or they are heard this way maybe an adult word that you hear. But instead of just calling words bad, I really try to focus them on. How can you just choose a better word? Let's always choose better. Let's look for how we can honor God instead of choosing the. How close can we get to the bad word?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm getting off on a rabbit trail there, but the heart, just the heart. The internal transformation has to come first. What was your second thing? You were going to say?

Speaker 2:

My second thing is the Proverbs 4, 23. So when I've got my Bible here in front of me, so when I back up a couple of verses to 20, it says my son, give attention to my words, incline your ear to my sayings, do not let them depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart, for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. And then 23 is keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Um, so God will make his word good in your life if you'll act on it. Um, and I wrote that because it was so in my Bible, where I have highlighted 20 through 22, but not 23, but because you were talking about 23 and I backed up a little bit Um, I think a theme in in my life is not doing to be good enough, but doing because he's the obedience, doing because he says to do and because I want to be like him.

Speaker 2:

So, um, so to. You know, that's how my this homeopathy practice started was out of obedience. And um, if I had not been obedient, I have no idea where I'd be. I might not even know you, bree. That would just be terrible.

Speaker 1:

I was yeah, I mean, I don't know how we would have, because if you hadn't done it the way that you had, I wouldn't have lined up in my life and I even think about the retreat when you had told me. I really feel like the Lord put this on my heart. I feel like this is the timing and you guys, literally what? One week later she's like I just I put the deposit down. I hope this works out. You did not waste a minute and the blessing that that was to all those, the women who came so good.

Speaker 1:

Um, so obedience is huge. I did read those. So I always want to put scripture in context. So when I do study them, I don't like to cherry pick a verse. So I actually love that you brought that in, because I do. I you know I didn't want to go through all of that, but that beginning part where it says that, like, hold these words with you. They give you life and health for your flesh. Your flesh, like true health needs to be all of those things, um yeah, so so.

Speaker 2:

so to wrap that, that's this one up, healing comes from the inside out. You know that's what homeopathy does and also that's how, um you know, spiritually speaking, it is. So thank you for sharing that with us, and I hope you all will join us next time for um, her second point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll keep going.

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