Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Embracing Patience: Connecting Homeopathy and Spiritual Growth

Melissa Crenshaw Season 5 Episode 2

Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.

What if the key to both physical and spiritual healing lies in patience and understanding? Join us on this episode of Homeopathy at Home with Melissa as we explore the profound connection between homeopathy and spiritual growth. We delve into the principle that "Stimulating the body to heal takes time," illustrating how both homeopathic treatments and spiritual journeys are nonlinear, filled with ups and downs. Reflecting on Philippians 2:13, we discuss how maintaining a positive attitude and refraining from complaints can significantly impact our overall growth and healing.

In our second chapter, we emphasize the transformative power of keeping detailed notes. By journaling and tracking our progress, we gain valuable perspective and encouragement, even during challenging times. We also explore the importance of forgiveness and compassion, which help us walk in freedom and celebrate our growth. Whether you're navigating the complexities of homeopathy or embarking on a spiritual journey, this episode offers practical tips and insights to stay committed and compassionate on your path. Listen in and be inspired to embrace your own journey of healing and growth.


Melissa Crenshaw:

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey, Melissa.

Bri Hurlburt:

Hey Bri, I am super excited to jump into point number two in our homeopathy slash spiritual encouragement series. I don't know what we're going to call this yet I like that though Homeopathy. Yeah, it is definitely an encouragement series, so take it away with your point number two. Yeah, it is definitely an encouragement series.

Melissa Crenshaw:

So take it away with your point number two. Okay, so to just give a brief overview in case you missed the first one, but if you did go back and listen to it, I'll give you a little bit of context as to where this all came from. But I just believe, as God was preparing me for the retreat in 2024. So if you were there, you heard all of these points, but God just kept bringing to light different principles of homeopathy, not even just principles, but my experience in homeopathy and walking with clients and even just talking with Melissa on the podcast, ways that God has used homeopathy to reveal principles of spiritual growth to me, and honestly, it's been a really beautiful thing to see how practicing homeopathy, especially chronically speaking, but even acutely, the practice of sticking with something that works so differently than other modalities, has taught me a lot about spiritual discipline. So this is just the second point. There are so many. I'm sure if you're you've probably come up with your own if you've been listening, um, but so these are just 10 that I that came to mind. I tried to organize them in 10 points, so this is number two. Number one was healing comes from the inside out. Number two is stimulating the body to heal takes time. So we know, if you've listened, if you know homeopathy, you know that it stimulates your body to do the work of healing, which can be long and is often nonlinear, meaning it's not a straight shot up in improvement where you're just feeling better every single day and then eventually you feel great. If you've listened to any of our podcasts or Ben and Melissa's classes, you always say this Melissa, you talk about the two steps forward, one step back, or the spiral thing that we talk about, where you're revisiting those same symptoms over and over sometimes, but they're shorter in duration, they're less intense, they heal more quickly. So there are a lot of ways that we gauge healing with homeopathy because it's not linear and if you've experienced anything in life like this, so even grief or the process of any true healing, if you've gone to therapy, you don't. It's not like a straight shot, one direction.

Melissa Crenshaw:

So it's really important that we take a bird's eye view and look at the big picture to assess growth and healing and in the same way, spiritually, if we have a bird's eye view like God does. So obviously we don't get the big bird's eye, but we can look back and see how, over time, god has worked in us, using our experiences whether they're good ones or trials, to shape us, and that's really good to look back on that and remember that, even in our spiritual growth, to not expect a perfectly upward trajectory but to know that even if you have growth that looks like two steps forward, one step back, that is still growth and still something to remember and be reminded of. I think sometimes that step back can look like a trial in our life where we think we must be worse because we're encountering something difficult or because maybe we don't respond how we wanted to to the trial and we're like I should be past this now, um. Or for me, something God has showed me in all this is the spiritual growth and other people I keep seeing that, like my humility and grace for another person, their growth is not linear. So we see people doing really well and then they fall into old habits or they hurt you again or they make another mistake and our first reaction is you went all the way back. We use the word relapse a lot and I think that like implies you went back to step one and it's not that way all the time, um, so that was that one.

Melissa Crenshaw:

The scripture that came to mind for that was Philippians 2, 13. For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. There's so many good verses surrounding there. So, melissa, feel free to add anything you want I would love to hear from you. But the basic idea there is it's God who works in us to will, so to give us the desire to even do good works and then to do the work of that obedience, that growth. But it all comes from the Lord and, just like in homeopathy, that stimulation is deep and it takes time and it's not linear. God does the same thing. So it's deep, it takes time and it's not linear. To grow spiritually, take it away. I would love to hear your thoughts on that.

Bri Hurlburt:

So of course I had to write down my things that I thought of so I wouldn't forget. But before I even get to those two things which are about homeopathy, as I looked at this scripture again, the very next one, verse 14, says do all things without complaining and disputing, and I kind of laughed in my thinking about healing with homeopathy. You know, yeah, it's aggravating, and so it was just kind of it's kind of a joke, but but kind of not. If you, you also do need to have the right attitude. You can't, I don't, and homeopathy is not a placebo effect at all. But if you come into it really skeptical, I mean, what do you expect? You know? I mean maybe you're going to get some good results, but maybe not.

Bri Hurlburt:

But also during that process that you talked about, with the two steps forward and the one step back, if you're you guys, anybody that's ever listened to anything you know or seen any of my Facebook posts, I'm really focused on um, on your words. So if you're complaining about it, what you're saying, um, what you're allowing to come out of your mouth, is entering your ears, and then that that can. That's what you'll be focused on. So what you focus on is magnified, and I want to encourage you to magnify the truth and the Lord over any of your circumstances. So all of that came. I wasn't. That's not even what I wrote down.

Melissa Crenshaw:

I want to add that there are other places in scripture that talk about your, your mouth, is it? What comes out of your mouth is a reflection of your heart. So back in step one, or point one we talked about, it starts in the heart, your internal transformation. What you speak is a direct reflection of what is internal and so, yeah, that's very important to have the right perspective.

Bri Hurlburt:

What you say is powerful yeah, it's one of your points about suppression do you think, oh, I'm sure, but that's there, it's sprinkled in.

Bri Hurlburt:

I don't think it's just about, I'm looking down so what I just thought then is, if I have a really ugly heart and and I'm, and I'm asking the Lord to help me and I'm working on that Right, and I'm waiting on him and I'm asking him to transform my heart, in that process Some ugly words might come out of my mouth because that's still in there. But if I just suppress those words by just stuffing them and keeping them in, that's no, that's not that much better. Yes, we have to. That might be a step where, like, ooh, I thought this thing, but I'm not gonna let it come out of my mouth, but then take it to the Lord and say it to him and say, god, this was in my. I thought about this. I know you know that, but would you help me? I don't want to. So it's, it can't stop at, just keep it in. That's not going to be the cure.

Melissa Crenshaw:

So this is good too, because we ignore symptoms physically a lot or we just like, don't want them to, we don't want to deal with them, and I think spiritually we also ignore rather than deal with right Like a symptom physically we use as a tool. That's a good thing. Your body is showing us something. Our spiritual symptoms, you know, like the things that we come out of our mouth, sometimes not always great, but also we can work with that, like there's a level of the. The reality is that those exist. Let's pay attention to it and do something about it. Yeah, yeah, that's something else. No, I think you were going to say.

Bri Hurlburt:

The two things that I thought of when you were talking is and I wish I could tie it back into exactly what you said, but I can't. I can't remember what you said, so keep good notes you were talking about. I should have written down what you said. What'd you say you were talking about?

Melissa Crenshaw:

um, the bird's eye view of the big picture.

Bri Hurlburt:

Yes, and that's why we need to keep good notes, because we can, you can forget in homeopathy, but also in your spiritual journey.

Melissa Crenshaw:

That is one of the points, a big point. Don't say it because it's still good here. That is one of the points, a big point.

Bri Hurlburt:

But don't say it because it's still good here In homeopathy, if you don't keep good notes, you can forget. So then that's what it was. When you're doing that, two steps forward, that one step back can be really discouraging, unless you have notes to say, ah, but look at this, oh, but look at this, this is how far I've come. And so same thing with spiritual. If I look back and I do, I journal about my spiritual walk and if I look back, even just five or even just three years ago, I can see stuff, I can see how far I've come. And it's so encouraging and it's a, it's a point of praise, Like look how far.

Bri Hurlburt:

Because when I let, when I, when I revert accidentally or I say or do something you know really unkind or kind of like, go backwards to the old Melissa, then I can easily beat myself up and say what in the world, where's that coming from? I, that's not who I am, that's not who I want to be. But if I look at how far I've come, I can be like, okay, at least I recognize now that this is not where God wants me, what God wants me to be saying. But then from that I thought about forgiveness. So that was. I know we definitely don't want to dive into forgiveness, but that's where you talked about. When people the grace that we have for other people, so if they revert and they hurt you again, then our job is to forgive again and again, and again and again, however many times it takes. And when we walk in forgiveness, we walk in freedom. So that was the only two things that that I wrote down.

Melissa Crenshaw:

That was great. I could talk more, but I know I'm going to get into some of the other points and don't want to spoil those for you guys. So hopefully this is like a good little mini snippet, maybe some encouragement for you to keep going in your homeopathy journey but also in your spiritual walk.

Bri Hurlburt:

Love it, thank you.

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