Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Embracing Progress in Healing and Spirit

Melissa Crenshaw Season 5 Episode 6

Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.

Ever wondered why celebrating small victories is crucial in our healing and spiritual journeys? Join us today on "Homeopathy at Home with Melissa" as Brie and I discuss the fourth principle from our encouragement series. We’ll explore how, just like in homeopathy, recognizing incremental progress can be a key indicator of effective remedies and spiritual milestones. We also revisit our first three principles: healing comes from the inside out, it takes time to stimulate the body to heal, and each of us has a unique healing journey.

In this heartwarming episode, we share personal stories and insights about how small improvements, such as reduced intensity and shorter duration of symptoms, are not only steps towards better health but also spiritual growth. By highlighting the parallels between physical healing and spiritual development, we remind ourselves and our listeners that setbacks are not failures but integral parts of the journey. Celebrate each step forward with us and learn the importance of having supportive people who help you recognize and cherish these moments of growth.


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to homeopathy at home with Melissa. Hey, Melissa.

Speaker 2:

Hey Brie, I'm excited to jump into your point number four of our encouragement series.

Speaker 1:

Give us a recap of what we've already talked about these are just points that I feel like God has shown me about spiritual growth. I'm using principles of homeopathy really, as I've shared what to expect in the healing process with people in my life. I just feel like it's something God has used to reveal himself to me and truth to me. So not trying to glorify homeopathy, but I'm it's just been a tool. God has used it to show me a lot, um. Number one was healing comes from the inside out to is stimulating the body to heal takes time. Three was we each have our own unique healing journey and our own growth journey, spiritually, um. Also, I'm not that great of like an alliterator when I make points, so these are not like quick phrase. Number four today is celebrate small victories. So in homeopathy, if you have ever dealt with honestly, acute or chronic, each small victory and sign of improvement should be recognized and celebrated and if we see them, we celebrate them. I mean you and I very often are talking about cases we're seeing improvement in or when we use a remedy and it works really well. Sharing that, engaging that movement, that healing, um and outside of a miracle which God can do. Physical healing takes time. True healing takes time, with the exception of when we know God just moves and heals a person. In the gateway courses and honestly, probably in any of your courses you talk about the magic markers and those are just three things. They're not the rule, but there are three good ways to gauge if a remedy is working and working meaning you're seeing healing and improvement, um, and if not, you want to switch remedies. But if it is, these are kind of ways you can gauge that. One is the symptoms appear with less intensity. Two is there's a shorter duration of that event. And three is there's a longer period of time between those events and those specifically.

Speaker 1:

I can look at spiritual growth and think the same thing. It takes time and we have our moments where maybe we're talking about anger and you're very likely not going to just one day, not ever be angry again or always handle your anger. I mean, the Bible says you can be angry but don't sin. So not reacting in your anger and what you look for and I try to encourage people with this just be encouraged that when you have your moments of weakness, you have not gone back to square one. This is not failure you haven't fallen back but that this is a part of it right. There's been a maybe a bigger period of time since you had an outburst, maybe this one. You say one thing and you hold your tongue, where before you would have gone on a rant, or you respond in humility and ask for forgiveness. Um, that's just one instance, but I think of that in our spiritual growth and the fruit of the spirit in our lives and that that often looks like that, and in that it's very important to celebrate and recognize small steps of faith and growth, because that's what encourages us to keep moving forward.

Speaker 1:

I can't think of how many times in a consult, you know, we have a follow-up and somebody is really discouraged, like I just don't feel that much better, and then we go back over our notes, um, and I'm like well, okay, how long has it been since you've had the? Have you had any headaches or whatever, anything like this, and they'll say I totally forgot about this. I actually haven't had any, and but they are still experiencing something. And in the same way, I think, um, looking at that and thinking, oh yeah, that's right, I had a symptom that totally went away. This is working, I'm going to keep going and I think it's important to have people in your life like that. I'm observing on the outside to help you recognize your own growth and to help you move forward. And it's also I think all of these points have also helped me to have a much more gracious perspective to the people in my life who are growing and to recognize that the process of healing is just as much to be celebrated over perfection, over the ultimate goal. That process itself is part of the growth. The growth is not just the end. So don't focus so much on the destination where you think you're trying to get to, that you lose sight of being intentional.

Speaker 1:

Now, no-transcript, and I think in our in life, in our spiritual life, it can be so easy to get discouraged, to get discouraged in where we've been, what's in front of us and it made me think of in Joshua 4, god had the Israelites commemorate and create monuments. They changed name, they named a place, they maybe changed a person's name, they did all sorts of things to commemorate a big event or like an act, a big work of God, and he had them do that to be a memorial, a reminder of where God brought them from, how they got where they are, that they did not get themselves there, but but God brought them there and we still need to look back and not forget and celebrate and forget to celebrate the faithfulness of God to have gotten us where we are and to use it as encouragement to keep moving forward in obedience. So in your life, just like in homeopathy we say to observe like, take good notes. And in life, in your spiritual life, have your stones of remembrance, take notes of how God has worked.

Speaker 1:

In your life journal, put things around your house. Um, people hang things. You can hang verses, you can hang a reminder to you of the time that God had God showed up for you and cared for you or was faithful and to lead you. In a way. People get tattoos sometimes, um, but it's just a good reminder to of the faithfulness of God and then just keep moving forward because he'll be faithful to keep doing that. So that's that, and you've been like smiling this whole time, so I know you have some good stuff you want to say I do.

Speaker 2:

And so those of you who are watching on YouTube, you saw me looking over. It wasn't that I wasn't paying attention to Bree, I was looking for something because you made me think of it, so I had to find it. When you said that you know having people on the outside observing and and encouraging you, so we, we all that's why we need community, we need to be in community and we need somebody, at least you know, a person that will encourage us, see the growth, and so this is what I remembered. So my person is my oldest son, chandler. He encourages me, he sees my growth and he will just freely let me know, you know, when he sees it.

Speaker 2:

And so not that long ago, I told him, I said something to him and he said you're hearing from the spirit more and more lately. Every time I've talked to you, I heard the tone of the spirit and I've genuinely been put to ease. So I mean that was so encouraging to me. I was like you know, I. I mean I want to spend time with the Lord and I want to, you know, I want to grow in the spirit. But we, we he was standing on the outside, you know, looking at and observing this and told me that. And so we need to do that with each other, both spiritually and, you know, in homeopathy and in our health, when you see somebody, because I might feel stagnant or I might feel like I'm not growing or might feel like I'm not moving and nothing's happening, but when somebody comes and encourages me and tells me the truth about what they see, then I can choose to believe it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So yeah, I just wanted I love that that you said that having somebody on the outside to encourage you, we need that.

Speaker 1:

One of my whole points coming up is going to be on community and I want, like I want to really talk a lot more about that because that is huge. We are not able to do that alone. So I love that. That's really good. I like having people speak into that and him saying I was thinking when he said the tone of the spirit, that's also something that is from God. So people speaking into you that that is the Lord working in you and affirming that is also really important. That he didn't say you were really nice or you said something really powerful to me, that he commented that it was the Lord to him. So that's really cool. I hope my grown boys are doing that for me one day. Like that says a lot. That's really awesome.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, that was so good. I love the, love the magic markers and I do want to say that I learned about the magic markers from Joette Calabrese. I don't know if she made them up herself or I just want to give you know that credit there, but yeah, this was so good. Anything else you have on this?

Speaker 1:

no, I don't think so. Thank you guys so much for listening. We'd love to hear your feedback on things like this. I know this is like out of the norm, so if you enjoy it, let us know, and we'll be back for several more, I think there are 10.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my hope is that you would be so encouraged, both spiritually but also in your healing journey with homeopathy, because that's why I want to do these, is that we, we all, need encouragement. You might not have somebody there encouraging you step by step, so maybe you, maybe you come back to these when you feel down or you feel it's not working. Yeah, yeah, all right, thank you guys. Next time.

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