Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Overcoming Fall Allergies and School Stress

Melissa Crenshaw Season 5 Episode 4

Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.

Can you imagine a fall season without the constant itchiness and sneezing from allergies? In this episode, we reveal Melissa's go-to remedies—Kali mur,  Apis, and Allium Cepa—that have been a game-changer for managing those pesky fall allergy symptoms. We also dive into the technique of water dosing to make your remedies last longer and discuss the benefits of consistent use, especially for families with kids. Plus, Melissa introduces Calc carb  30c, a remedy designed for long-term allergy relief, and we start to explore potential solutions for sinus infections that often follow allergies.

Transitioning to school season, we tackle school-related anxiety and stress with remedies like Gelsemium 30c and Kali phos  6c. We also discuss remedies for common sports injuries, including Arnica for general injuries and Ruta 6c for sprained ankles. Don't miss our tips for dealing with heat exhaustion and the importance of hydration, highlighting remedies like Aconite and bioplasma. Finally, we share Melissa's expert advice on managing winter eczema, backed by inspiring success stories. Get ready to arm yourself with practical health tips to keep your family thriving all year round!


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey, Melissa.

Speaker 2:

Hey Brie, I'm excited to talk about fall remedies today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this has become kind of a tradition, if you want to say that now the past few years Going into the school year, starting the fall, so we're going to be covering a lot of hopefully a lot of things that you guys will deal with, maybe some repeated things, but hopefully some new stuff, yeah, so where do you want to?

Speaker 2:

start. Yeah, let's you know. I really I want to help you guys get ready for, yeah, like you said, the change of the season. I know that around here, and I think a lot of different parts of the country allergies, hay fever start to ramp up in the fall. So my favorite allergy remedies are, of course, my combo that I made up years ago. That served me so well and I saw that it was serving so many other people so well, so I started really spreading the news about that, and that's Calimyr Apis and Alemsepa, and so you could do 30 or 200. I usually do 200. Mix them all together, you know, in liquid, or take them each separate and you can use those as needed for the symptoms of itchy nose, itchy throat, itchy eyes, itchy ears, watery eyes, sneezing. I think that was it.

Speaker 1:

When you say in liquid, what do you mean and why would you use it in liquid versus just dry?

Speaker 2:

So if you take, if you were to buy a major name brand remedy and you bought all three of those separately, then you would be taking nine pills into your mouth every time you wanted to take a dose. You can certainly do that. That's just a lot. So that can end up costing a lot of money and your bottles won't last as long. So if you buy, there are certain brands, especially those that come from the UK, where one pill is a dose. So that's totally doable, right? But if you have one of the major name brands that you can buy in any store, then you you would put one dose of each of those three remedies into purified water, let it dissolve and then you can take.

Speaker 2:

You can keep that in the refrigerator and you can take about a half a teaspoon or a teaspoon as a dose, and that can stretch it, it can make it last longer. It works just as well. Um, if you want to top it off with alcohol, you can do that. The instructions on how to do this are on my YouTube channel, um, and it's called something like water.

Speaker 1:

I think it's your water dosing video, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Water, yeah, water, yeah, so it's. There's two of them. There's two different videos. One is from like 2019, I think, and then I did another one just recently that was more updated. So that's what I mean by in liquid.

Speaker 1:

And so with a family let's say, multiple people in that family have allergies you would probably do a water dose would save you a lot of money and a lot of time, right? Or if you have to send your kids to school, that's a good way to do that. Give them a little water bottle. It should be refrigerated usually, but we I mean, I think it's fine to take to school, shake it up before they take a little bit of it. Um, now, what about frequency? Could you do that fairly frequent as well? And then how would you back off?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you sure can. So I usually tell people to take it up to six times in one day and, um, so it could just be every you know. If you're having a big fat allergy attack and you're totally miserable, then take it every 15 to 30 minutes. Don't be afraid to take it often. So I, that's what I see. People take a dose and then they say this this doesn't work, take it again. And take it and take it again. So after about the fourth or fifth dose in one day, if nothing has changed, nothing has let up, you're feeling no better, then yeah, you might need to change remedies and then the hope would be probably that over time, you're not needing it seven times a day.

Speaker 1:

you're. You know you're needing it twice a day or whatever. Okay, so let's say somebody always gets allergies, they know what's coming. Would this be a scenario where you could do that twice a day prior to being super symptomatic? I?

Speaker 2:

usually I never used to tell people to do that, but I had clients who just did that on their own and worked beautifully for them. So sure, yeah, you can do it twice a day, starting now if you haven't started already, you know and then work your way, you know, through the fall, hopefully with minimal symptoms or no symptoms. But backing up to what you said before that question that's exactly what should happen is that you should have less severe, shortened duration, less frequent episodes over time, and that combination is what actually uprooted my allergies. It took 18 months I had out, had allergies for 30 something years. 18 months of just taking it as needed when symptoms popped up and they were gone. 18 months of just taking it as needed when symptoms popped up and they were gone. So now I would say I didn't do this back then, but now I would say take Calcarb 30 C once per day In addition. You know that's going to be uprooting the allergies, but then the you know, use my protocol or my, my combo, as needed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep, I've seen that work really well for so many people, and it will even be where they're the only person using it in the household, almost as like the guinea pig, and be the only one who is not suffering through the season like everyone else. Now let's say you have allergies that always turn into sinus infections. I know we've covered some of that in prior podcasts as well, but what are some just quick, a few remedies, let's say, if you're, if you tend to get a lot more sinus infections, maybe even combinations that you like infections, maybe even combinations that you like.

Speaker 2:

I love sanguinary 200 mixed with Cali Bic 6C. So that's why, um, I mean I think I made that up that's just something I've been doing lately. That's working really well. Um, the Banerjee protocol is sanguinary mixed with belladonna, but you leave you can leave the belladonna out if there's no pain. Um, cali Bic is number one for sinus infections and I love sanguinary, so I've just started to combine the two and and use it twice per day. Um, also, if my combination doesn't help, or or doesn't help enough, your eye symptoms. So if your eyes are super itchy and everything else is calming down, but your eyes are still really itchy, you can add euphrasia to that mixture. So then you have a mix of four remedies.

Speaker 1:

yeah, um, okay, so that's good for allergy. I feel like that's pretty good. That's a good starting place without having like a big picture. Is there anything else starting place without having?

Speaker 2:

like a big picture. Is there anything else for allergies that comes to mind for you, yes, well, um, I was going to talk about the eye drops and how wonderful they are, but they're off the market right now, so darn, I know.

Speaker 1:

I hope they come back. That was a really good find for not just allergies but like pink eye. You know, I've used them just for irritated eyes, but currently we can't get them anywhere, so they might come back yeah, and I'm not saying that that I've heard anything, I just you never know, right right, well, yeah, I. Sometimes they just redo them or they have to legally go through stuff before they can come out with a new product. So, fingers crossed, please come back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we're going to teach my hay fever course live on October 1st 2024. So if you're listening to this after that, you can go and purchase the recording. If you're listening to this before October 1st 2024, then why not? Yeah, go to my website, you can ask. You'll be be live. You can ask questions, you know for your own personal help and learn. I think it's 26 remedies that we're going to teach. So, yeah, that's coming up. Um, what else happens in the fall that we need to talk about?

Speaker 1:

so I mean just in, let's say, we're going back to school. For a lot of people, whether even going to school or not, there's changes. So I think of things like maybe kids that tend to get anxiety get nervous, and there are a few different. I think, a few things we could suggest for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, anticipatory anxiety, you know you could start, is it Gelsimium? Gelsimium, yeah, 30 C twice per day and Caliphos 6 C twice per day. So I combine those. So Gelsimium 30 and Caliphos 6 C twice per day as soon as your children start getting nervous. So you know, if you're listening to this before they start school, then you and they're already nervous about, you know, asking a lot of questions. Sometimes it can be hard to recognize anxiety in young children, but you can recognize it. Sometimes it's just a lot of questions and that can kind of point to a little bit of anxiety. So, anyway, or if they can articulate it and they say I'm nervous, you know, I'm scared, I'm worried, then that's a great protocol to use for anticipatory anxiety.

Speaker 1:

Now what if you notice you have a child who has that anxiety but gets a stomach ache? Would you treat it acutely, sort of like a stomach ache, or would you do the anticipatory anxiety protocol instead, or both?

Speaker 2:

That's a great question. I probably, if they're anticipating going to school or whatever, then I would be doing that protocol and if they get a stomach ache, say, maybe the morning, so they've been worried, but now it's the morning of and they're like my stomach hurts, I can't go. Nuxvomica, I'll do. Nuxvomica 30 C.

Speaker 1:

So you kind of treat both treat the presenting symptom but also the etiology yeah, okay, symptom but also the etiology yeah, okay, that is good. Sometimes it's headaches, so maybe the same thing, just different remedy, um. Or if they can't sleep well, like can't settle well to fall asleep, yeah, um, but it would be. I would be curious to know if they just start with joseph and cali boss. Maybe that will cover all the things. Like, like, if the nervousness is causing that, you could just start with the protocol and see what happens. Like, give yourself a little time, right? Yeah, maybe nothing else.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what else? Okay, I know, sports start, people start sports. They're probably already starting if you're in high school. So, maybe injuries or you know things like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sports injuries. Um, arnica, you know, number one. Um, any kind of any kind of injury during sports, I think Arnica would be a great first choice. Bellus perennis is the injury to the trunk of the body Um, you know, arnica. And or aconite is the head injury. Um, you know, if you get hit in the nose and get a nosebleed, that's arnica. What else?

Speaker 1:

What about sprained ankles?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, uh, ruta, ruta R-U-T-A, ruta 6Cc I like to start with 6c and um roostox can also be for ankles, but I think ruda would be first. I also really like some vitamin kelp fuss.

Speaker 1:

Um, that's great for bone pain, but also bone injuries and bones, and it helps strengthen the bones yeah, um, now you don't want to take that if your bone is just broken right until it's set and ready to heal, that's if there's a break. Okay, what about um heat exhaustion? What if they're at practice? Oh yeah they're just so hot yeah, aconite, um, belladonna, glonoin, um.

Speaker 2:

My favorite, my personal favorite, is CarboVeg. Just in the last two years I've not been able to handle the heat like I used to and I've had to use CarboVeg. It was amazing, and that was that shortness of breath, you know, I just really didn't get a, I couldn't get take a nice deep breath or I felt like I couldn't breathe well, and so CarboVeg was the one for me. Belladonna helped me when I had the heat exhaustion or I got overheated and I got a headache, so my face was really red and I got a headache and Belladonna was the one that helped me in that instance.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, so that's sports. Is there anything else come to mind for you for sports Cause? I don't want to move on too soon, but I have another idea.

Speaker 2:

Dehydration, oh yeah, so that's sports. Is there anything else come to mind for you for sports Cause I don't want to move on too soon. But I have another idea Dehydration, oh yeah, so, um. So if you are sweating a lot and you're feeling weak because you're losing those fluids, then China, sinchona Bark, china 6C is great. And bioplasma in the water bottle. So parents put you know, just put some bioplasma in your children's water bottle that they're using. You know, um on the field and electrolytes. They need electrolytes. And no, I'm not talking about Gatorade and um or whatever else, or whatever else. There's a lot of yucky electrolyte drinks out there. Yeah, so I am. I am talking um. I've been really, I've been really struggling lately with a healthy, natural electrolyte.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like you have to make it at home if you want it to be right, there are some better options, and so you know, I think, just like anything else, choose the best that's available to you and it's going to be okay, especially if your kids are bigger kids. I mean, there's always going to. If you can't make it at home, yeah, what you can do, yeah, and it's a pain to make.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you're talking about coconut water, a little bit of orange juice, salt, you know and listen.

Speaker 1:

I made it. It doesn't taste terrible, it's not terrible, but I don't know that my 12 year old. If I had one, I don't, but if I did, I don't think he'd drink it. Um, and I don't know many teenagers who would want to drink that.

Speaker 2:

Right, yep, I know. So, yeah, exactly, do the best you can find the one that works, um, find the best one that you you can do that your kids will also drink, so electrolytes are super important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, okay, I was just thinking. You know you're going back to school. If they're eating lunch at schools not used to that, maybe I don't know what kind of food a lot of schools have anymore, but when I was in school or a lot of the schools, it's not great food. So maybe just like gut disruption, maybe something you could send to school with your kid, or um, obviously I think Nuxvomica, yep, they have stomach trouble.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pulsatilla is coming up in my mind as something that's specific to junkier food that you're not used to Like. Fatty, yeah, not good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But yeah, nuxvom could probably be my number one. If they get bloated, then like a podium. If they get a stomach ache or feel nauseous, then nux. If they get constipated, then nux diarrhea, arsenic and album yep yeah, yep okay um, okay, so more.

Speaker 1:

I mean not that older kids don't get sick, but I mean we're talking like little kids going to school for the first time, or preschool or daycare whatever. Um, everybody getting sick yep what would you?

Speaker 2:

yeah to um, help prevent illness, um, thuuja some people say Thuja, Thuja or Thuja um. 30 C can help strengthen your immune system, increase your immune system to help you keep, help keep you healthy. And um, I would do that once or twice per day for a few weeks before you go back to school. Okay, Um, and electrolytes again if you start to feel sick, or just really daily electrolytes are really going to be important to help keep you healthy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay. So I had one other thing in mind. What about you know, when they go to school, if they're using screens a lot or if they're just so worn out right, like not used to being using their brains? Maybe that much after having the summer off, um, some mental fatigue can happen Mental.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that, callie Foss foss?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I think so. Cali foss, yeah is one that came to mind for that what else there was. I know there is one like cali murin, something okay, mental exhaustion, hmm, interesting okay, I feel like I remember there being a combo in um. What are our courses for overuse? What a cell.

Speaker 2:

And it was cell salt combination cell salt, so probably califo, um, for some reason I'm thinking califos and um and faramfos yeah, um, and again, that's a good place for potentially just using bioplasma. Yeah, you think sometimes Yep, absolutely Mm. Hmm, yeah, I agree Um.

Speaker 1:

Barum Foss, cali Foss Is that what it is? Yeah, okay, so those are great for that mental exhaustion. Yeah, um, I think that's all I mean. That's all I've had on my list that I've been thinking about. Do you have anything?

Speaker 2:

else, so we got, so we did um hay fever, um sports try to try to help keep you healthy from getting sick and then, yeah, anxiety. Yeah, I think that's that's good. I mean, that's, those are some great. What else happens in the fall, though, outside of going back to school? Are there any like bug extra?

Speaker 1:

things well, I think a lot of people might be spending more time outside again. If you're in a southern state, like I am fall winter some of our we're outside more so you can listen to our. We did that podcast episode on ticks. I would definitely look at listen to that if that's something you have to worry about. Um, what else happens in the fall? You know, know, there's holidays. We have our holiday one. We've done a lot of holidays and managing all that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, go back and listen to holiday humility.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a fun one.

Speaker 2:

You know what would be great, if you want to comment on this, wherever you're watching this or listening to this, if you want to make a comment and if there's something that we're missing, if there's something that you're like you know what this thing always happens every fall I'll be happy to try to give you some ideas. We will teach the viruses course, like I said in November. So look out for that, so that that's a big course to help you stay healthy and you address any viral symptoms like COVID or flu, colds, coughs, all those things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would also just want to throw in there suggest if you have any skin conditions that typically get worse in the winter.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we will probably do some kind of podcast about some more winter stuff later, but strongly encourage you to move in whatever direction. You need to schedule a consult with a homeopath for a chronic um, chronic consultation, chronic plan. Take a class If you want to learn how to manage it on your own. But really now is the time to start getting on something to prepare yourself for winter. There's still time. You have a few months left and it could be really a huge change. So that was just something that came to mind.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you. I actually had thought of that earlier and then forgot. So thank you for saying it, and I have to say, actually, that Brie is our eczema expert. So if you have a child or even an adult right, you help adults too. Yeah, anybody with eczema. She has gained so much wisdom and knowledge through experience over the past. What one to two?

Speaker 1:

years, a couple of years, yeah, coming up on. Actually it's been two years now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yep, excellent. So every time somebody calls me with eczema I say you got to see, bree, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We have found some good tips and tricks, stuff I've learned from Alyssa, and then stuff that um just learned from lots of people. Lots of success stories. It's really sweet, so life-giving, but now is the time that did make me think of it. A lot of you, you have little ones who you know. A lot of times, eczema does get worse in the winter, so now is the time, yeah absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, thanks for listening to fall remedies, and if you think of anything else you need help with, just let us know in the comments, and we'll see you next time. Bye.

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