Homeopathy At Home with Melissa
I am a Registered Homeopath and Lactation Consultant who loves Jesus and believes in the power of prayer in healing and restoration. God designed our bodies to heal themselves. We interfere with the body’s abilities by introducing medications which stop the action our bodies were made to do - heal! Homeopathy comes in and stimulates the immune system to help the body remember how to heal itself. ALL people are welcomed here, no matter your beliefs! I discuss mostly homeopathy here, but also I bring an encouraging word from the Lord and touch on the topics of parenting, homeschooling, marriage, and nutrition. Welcome to my world! It’s a beautiful, healthy life!
Homeopathy At Home with Melissa
Investing in Health and Spiritual Growth
Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.
Ever wondered how investing in your health can lead to spiritual growth? Join us as we explore this profound connection through Melissa's captivating journey with homeopathy. Melissa shares how her 18-month commitment to homeopathy not only healed her 30-year-long allergies but also mirrored the spiritual principles of patience, perseverance, and faith. Drawing inspiration from Galatians 6:9, we discuss the daily disciplines in health and spirituality that yield long-term benefits, highlighting the importance of not giving up and trusting in the process.
We also dive into the challenges and rewards of consistent Bible study. From the struggle of maintaining interest in the Old Testament to finding joy in the Gospels, we emphasize the significance of engaging with every part of scripture. Discover the benefits of live online Bible studies like "My Daily Bread" for daily engagement and community support. Reflecting on modern challenges like instant gratification, we discuss how this impacts the patience and perseverance essential for spiritual growth. This episode offers encouragement and practical insights for anyone looking to invest in their health and spiritual journey.
Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey, Melissa.
Speaker 2:Hey Brie, I'm super excited to get back into our encouragement series. We're on number five. What's it?
Speaker 1:about? Yeah, so to give you a little recap, I know I've been doing this every time, but in case you're new to this series, this was a talk, I guess a discussion we had at the retreat in May of 2024. It was wonderful, beautiful time, and I just got to share about how God has used homeopathy in my life to show me more about spiritual growth, about the character of God, and it's not at all saying homeopathy is godlike or this. I mean something to be worshipped, but just like anything else, you know, you experience something in life and then you see how it is a picture of some, of, maybe an analogy of the love of God or a spiritual element. So I just have, over time, collected these thoughts, and there are even more. It's been cool. I don't even know if I've gotten to share this with you, melissa, as people a couple of people have been listening who really don't know homeopathy but have seen, you know, stuff on social media that I'm tagged in and, because it's a spiritual thing, they're interested, so they've listened. And then I've heard other people bringing up other things like other points we can add on, so we might have to just keep adding to this. It's been really fun, though I feel like I'm hearing from our audience about these things, so go back and listen to the first four.
Speaker 1:Number five today is investing. Each time you use homeopathy, you are investing in your future health and in the same way, we are investing in our spiritual growth to come with every discipline that we do now In the homeopathic world. We tell people, each time you treat an acute illness, you are strengthening your immune system, helping your body respond to that illness better, reducing the likelihood of getting that again or getting it as severely, and really setting yourself up for a future that is much healthier, instead of suppressing over and over and over or just not addressing it sometimes too, and over or just not addressing it sometimes too. Where, like I remember getting sinus infections that would last weeks and weeks and I was determined to not take a ton of over-the-counter stuff or antibiotics, but I was miserable and it wasn't going away, my body still would encounter that same thing every year multiple times and not remember, like, not know how to move through that.
Speaker 1:Well, so you're doing that and it takes discipline when you have to take a remedy regularly or to take care of you, to pay attention to your own health and make sure you're sticking to a plan takes discipline and um. The payoff, though, is worth it. So you hear about your journey 18 months of uprooting your allergies, your seasonal allergies, back 20 something years ago, 30 something years ago, and you didn't even know everything you know now. How long ago was that?
Speaker 2:So I had allergies for 30 years. It was about 10 years ago that I uprooted them with homeopathy.
Speaker 1:Okay, I was thinking that doing the math, I'm like she wasn't even old enough to do that yet. Okay, so for 10 years. But I remember you saying if somebody had told you that like you wouldn't, you couldn't imagine not feeling that way, because I'd had it for years, yeah, forever. Um, and then 18 months of you sticking with remedies and now you don't deal with that anymore.
Speaker 1:Um, I think of in our spiritual life, we, the work we do now, yields long-term benefits, and there's daily disciplines that we have to be aware of. So, um prayer, obviously, spending time with the Lord, studying the word of God, knowing it. Um gathering with other believers, so being a part of a local body, being taught the word of God, being in community with people. Um, over time strengthens our faith and our knowledge and understanding of the word of God. And also, just like our obedience you and I talk about this all the time Like our discernment, our obedience, it grows to a point where you look back, sometimes years later, and you don't even notice all the little gradual moments, but you now are witnessing the fruit of the disciplines of your life that you were practicing for all those years.
Speaker 1:So the scripture reference I have for that point was Galatians 6, 9, that says let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Speaker 1:I love that so much because doing good by God's perspective right, not by what we perceive as good, good does not mean not hard, or sometimes not painful, or sometimes like you're just doing the daily mundane things. But there are practices that are worth it. Later and at the proper time we will reap a harvest that are worth it later and at the proper time we will reap a harvest. Like when you think of agriculture or homeopathy, that was the, you know, a trigger for me, my life experience. You can't just will your crops to grow faster, right, like you do the work to take care of it, and it does its thing. It's harvested when it's ready, not when you want it to be ready. So it's harvested when it's ready, not when you want it to be ready. So that's really that whole point, but I'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback you have.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so my thoughts are in the word. So when I decided, or learned that how important it was to be in the word every day, right, I kept hearing this at church, I kept hearing this among church people. You know, be in the word every day, every day. And I would go and open the Bible and I would be like, where do you start? And I would just start I'm a, I'm a kind of a type A, I start at the beginning and I end at the end.
Speaker 2:And so I would start in Genesis one and I would get through like maybe Genesis three, and then I'd be like, well, this is pretty much boring and I have no idea what they're talking about. And I wouldn't go back for a long time, or I would say then I would hear people talk about oh, you know what? I just I just get into the Gospels and I was like you start like way back here, you don't start at the beginning. So so, ok, fine, I'm going to get into the gospels and and it was more interesting, made more sense to me than Genesis, right, and then um or Leviticus, and then Lord, forgive me for rolling my eyes Um, but he's got to know it's not fun to read.
Speaker 1:Okay, that doesn't mean we can't learn from it.
Speaker 2:Jesus is throughout the whole entire Bible Old Testament too so now I can see that. But it took time to get there. It took time to get excited about Leviticus, and, and and some of these. You know the the list of names. I used to skip over it. Now I read them and so there's just um, it took that's my point is it took time. It took consistency and time and now it's like it is literally bread every single morning. I how I can't live without, without eating every single morning. I have to get in there and, um, I do want to share one thing that I hadn't planned on sharing this, but that has helped me to stay to, to become and stay really consistent, is a live online Bible study that I attend every single morning, monday through Saturday. It's called my Daily Bread. Anybody can join, and so it. I get so excited. It's. Those people are like family to me now and I get excited to get in there and just listen to all the different perspectives of the how many people are in?
Speaker 2:there, it's growing, it's growing. So now there's like, um, it feels like on, there's a couple different times because we're they're all over the world, so there's different times and different. Okay, the one I attend is, um, maybe 50 or so, I mean, but not everybody talks, so not everybody you know, um. But that consistency is when I, when backing up, when I first decided I wanted to get into the word and like I want to learn it, I want to be, I want to see God and I want to see what Jesus is doing, and, um, and I just couldn't, I wanted it to happen. Like that I was like I want to know this right now, um, but what I had to learn in maturity and growth and over time is it takes time. You better just hold on and just get into the word every day and it's going to take time and you're going to get there Something.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that is very good. That specific phrase I hear you say all the time as you're teaching people, give it time. And what did you just say? The words you. Well, we can just relisten. I don't know how it went out of my brain already. Story of my life, um, but so something my husband always says. He will always say dig the well before you need the water, so you don't need to always go to the word thinking I need, like this lightning strike of a verse that I need today.
Speaker 1:Right, we often go with our own agenda, but consistently in the word of God, because we never know what's to come or for other people. Right, we have such a internal view of the world, like we think of ourselves so much, but we don't know, like as the body of Christ, what we will encounter. Another believer who needs encouragement that maybe what you read, or the knowledge that you've gained or the study that you've done, the time with the Lord, can minister to them, encourage them, like literally carrying each other through life. And then our prayer life changes when you understand, like who God is. More, the way that you pray changes it. Just, it is so important, you're so right about that, and it takes consistency to build that.
Speaker 2:Consistency and patience and perseverance, and so that's something that doesn't come easy to. I think the younger you are, the less you have of that. One for maturity, but also the microwave society that we live in, and these kids have instant. Everything is instant to these kids now. They didn't grow up in a time Like like I grew up, when there was literally nothing else to do but go outside and play in the water hose. Yeah, I did nothing to do inside. So, um, so anyway, persistence, and that's what that's just like with homeopathy it takes patience, perseverance, persistence and, um, people give up. They give up too soon. Four weeks, four weeks on a remedy and they're like I didn't see anything, I quit it. Dang, dang it, Not enough time.
Speaker 1:Yeah Right, and sometimes it's it feels slow. Yeah Right, and sometimes it feels slow, but that's also why we have people on the outside, having somebody help you, observe, taking notes, looking back, comparing, and I think that's also I mean, we've talked about some of those points going having people around you why that's really important. So we'll get there. But that was just a little short and sweet number five out of 10. So we have maybe more if we keep going, but hopefully these guys, these are blessing you guys and I'm glad we get to share them this way so more people can hear them. Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Thank you for sharing your heart and and this, this has been such an amazing message and time together, and we'll see you next time for number six.