Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Everyday Detox Tips for a Healthier Life

Melissa Crenshaw Season 5 Episode 5

Send a text to Melissa and she’ll answer it on the next episode.

Can natural detoxification transform your health? Join us as we explore this compelling question with Christina McMullen, a traditional naturopath and mother of four. Christina brings her extensive knowledge to the table, offering insights into how our bodies naturally detoxify and why it's essential to support these processes in today’s toxin-laden environment. We clarify common misconceptions about detoxing and share practical, everyday strategies for enhancing our natural detox pathways.

In this episode, we shine a spotlight on the critical roles of the liver, lymphatic system, lungs, kidneys, and GI tract in detoxification. Christina provides actionable advice on staying hydrated, eating nutrient-dense foods, and engaging in regular physical activity to support these vital organs. We delve into the importance of essential nutrients like amino acids, B vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium and zinc for efficient liver function. We also discuss the often-overlooked role of the gallbladder in toxin removal, emphasizing how these integrated practices can significantly boost your body’s natural detox capabilities.

Discover natural and affordable detox methods that won’t break the bank. Christina and I advocate for the use of whole, organic foods and minimizing processed foods, discussing the benefits of fermented foods and bitter herbs for digestive health and toxin elimination. Homeopathy also takes center stage as a supportive tool for liver function and overall body systems without the need for expensive commercial products. Listen in for a wealth of practical tips that can help you optimize your body's natural detox pathways and achieve better health.


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. I am so happy to be here tonight with Christina McMullen and she's going to introduce herself. Tell you about her. We are missing Bree tonight. She's on a cruise with her husband so you'll miss her voice and her beautiful face tonight if you're watching this on YouTube. But we're just going to jump into.

Speaker 1:

Our topic tonight is detox. So I know a lot of you are super interested in detox and you, you know a lot of people contact me and say what homeopathic remedy can I take to detox? And you know if you've, if you've contacted me and asked me that I've said well, homeopathy is meant to strengthen the immune system and of course it can support the liver and we'll get into all of that, but I don't use it to. Well, homeopathy is meant to strengthen the immune system and of course it can support the liver and we'll get into all of that, but I don't use it to actually detox. So I love, christina, that you have the knowledge on this and that you're going to help my listeners learn some more about detox, what we should do and what we shouldn't do. So introduce yourself. I'm glad you're here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I am excited to be here. I love talking about detox and ways that we can just make our bodies as healthy as they can be. So, yes, my name is Christina McMullen. I am a mom to four kiddos and a traditional naturopath. I practice in one of the suburbs of Georgia, in the Roswell area, a few times a week, kind of part-time, because with my kiddos I'm also a homeschooling mama as well, so keeps me busy and keeps me on my toes.

Speaker 2:

I just fell in love with the world of holistic medicine and healing, kind of with the personal experience of just trying. I knew my body wasn't working at its best after dealing with a mono infection when I was a teenager, and back then I was a ballerina, so I just wanted to be as energized and athletically fit as possible. And just through friends and family members, I was introduced to another naturopath and just was immediately hooked. Members, I was introduced to another naturopath and just was immediately hooked. You know the constant why do our bodies behave the way they do and why don't they function optimally? The answers were finally being shown to me and I wanted to know more and I had to learn more and I just dove deep into all sorts of education and research and training. And here I am, 18 years later, you know, trying to help people teach them how that they can, how they can keep their bodies healthy and maintain that, um, on their own.

Speaker 1:

Excellent. Thank you for sharing that. So you are um a traditional naturopath, and um detox. What is you know right now it's well, not right now, but maybe for the last five or even 10 years it's been super, super popular forefront Like we have to detox. People are always wanting you know, contacting me I think people in the crunchy mom groups that I'm in I'm always hearing about you know detox. We have to detox this and that and everything, and I think people are detoxing every or doing some kind of detox every three months or what do you suggest and as far as how often, or even just how to do it? Just teach us what do you do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so detox, definitely. I say it's a buzzword these days. You know, everybody is totally talking about it. You know, 15 years ago, yes, you would hear detox and it's like, well, yeah, someone might need a detox if they walk into this completely toxic environment and they have this sudden flush of arsenic or mercury or something along those lines. You know, or you know people who are dealing with alcohol or drug addiction. They need to go to rehab centers and detox those pathogens and those toxins out of their body.

Speaker 2:

But there's so much more to that. And, yeah, the holistic, functional world, especially when you've got, you know, social media influencers talking about their detox protocols and stuff like that it's just kind of become this thing. And you see people it's like, oh, we're gonna have fun over the holidays and then we're gonna have dry January and we're gonna detox, you know, for a month and just stay away from alcohol or sugar detoxes. And now you're even see like let's do a parasite cleanse or let's do a heavy metal detox. And yes, those things are great because the reality is we live in a toxic soup.

Speaker 2:

These days. I mean, you can't go outside. The air is full of pollutants, the food is full of pesticides and herbicides and additives full of pesticides and herbicides and additives, preservatives, emulsifiers we just are exposed to so many toxins but without guidance we can put ourselves into a world of hurt and kind of create more problems than we're trying to fix. And the other thing that we don't realize and a lot of people have lost touch with is God has designed our bodies to detox beautifully on their own. We have so many pathways that every second of every day is looking out for these toxins and pathogens and it's scavenging them up and it's sending them to our other detox pathways, and everything works beautifully in symphony with one another to actually detox on our own.

Speaker 2:

What we have to do nowadays, I think, is acknowledge that the level of toxic load that we're exposed to in our environment is surpassing our body's natural capacity and capability to detox on its own. It's like we've got this bucket and every day these toxins keep coming in and our bodies just can't get rid of them fast enough, you know. And so while I love systematic detoxes maybe two, three times a year, timed out and working with a professional I really like to teach people and hone in on what simple things that they can do on a day-to-day basis to support our natural detox pathways how they are, the way they're they're intended to work and function.

Speaker 1:

I love that so much, so that's what that's. What I teach is. You know, homeopathy is the medicine that I use in my family, it's the medicine that I teach, and so then the rest of it is what else can you do? That's free, right Ground being and sunshine and no sunscreen and all the things. So tell us about that. What do you do with your clients? I think you can say patients right, you have have patients.

Speaker 2:

Georgia doesn't really license traditional, so we're kind of in that gray area um I kind of just haphazardly use it almost interchangeably.

Speaker 2:

um, yeah, so when I'm with people and they're asking, you know, ultimately, like I said, our bucket's filling up. So we really want to. I mean there's a couple things, but the so we really want to. I mean there's a couple things, but the main point I want to get across and if we can focus on just one thing, is we want to out with the bad and in with the good. You know we want to reduce that toxic burden on our bodies while also giving it the nutrients and the supportive things that it needs for those pathways to function optimally.

Speaker 2:

You know the liver gets all the attention and, yeah, the liver is very busy at detoxifying. It definitely, probably, of all of our organs and systems, has the biggest job when it comes to detox, but we can't forget about all of our other different detox pathways. You know, when we think of how we're exposed to detox, but we can't forget about all of our other different detox pathways. You know, when we think of how we're exposed to toxins, we have two huge organs and systems that are exposed to the outside world. The skin is our biggest organ and then the GI tract probably has the biggest surface area. So it's exposed to all of those things that we're ingesting from our foods and our beverages and our water. So, really focusing on those two things, how can we reduce, because we're never going to fully eliminate, how can we reduce that toxic exposure through our skin and our GI tract?

Speaker 2:

And that you know you've mentioned sunscreens and things like that. You know we want to watch what we're putting on our skin. You know it absorbs everything. So the sunscreens that have all the additives and preservatives and you know, things that are becoming more and more known to be carcinogenic lotions Women, I think, are super, super vulnerable to this because you know we've got skincare routines that were being promoted and makeup and hair products and all of these things that are absorbed through our skin. Cleaning supplies you know we really don't wear gloves. We're not really consciously doing that. So if we're, you know, cleaning with bleaches and Clorox's and different ammonia-based products, all of that is getting absorbed through our skin and it's adding to that toxic load.

Speaker 2:

Same thing with the GI tract.

Speaker 2:

We want to be aware of what's in our food and what's in our water and different beverages that we drink, because that's going to play a direct role on that gut and that healthy integrity of our intestines and our digestive tract, and that is really that main barrier.

Speaker 2:

You know, the skins are a barrier, but the intestines has a barrier too, and so we want to keep out the things that are going to break that barrier down so that the pesticides and herbicides and the preservatives and emulsifiers all of the freaking food ingredients that are in our food now stays in our digestive tract and doesn't actually seep out into our bloodstream and add to that toxic burden and that toxic load.

Speaker 2:

So, focusing on the elimination and then looking at the things that our lifestyle has created just as a society that adds to that burden of how our organs and systems that get our cortisol and our endorphins and our adrenaline running and get our body into that fight or flight stress response, because when our nervous system is in the sympathetic fight or flight state it really can't detox at all, it's stuck. It really can't detox at all, it's stuck. You know our bodies aren't gonna be worried about removing, you know, pesticides from our bloodstream or heavy metals, if it thinks there's a bear chasing us and we have to run really fast to save our lives, you know. So we have to decompress and de-stress and, you know, really focus on those, that component of things too, so that our nervous system gets into that parasympathetic rest and repair state, so that those detox pathways can actually function in the first place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I love, I love what you just said, talking about the mental, emotional piece of our health. That's where homeopathy shines. And so, if you're, you know, when somebody comes to me with stress, anxiety, depression, whatever the mental emotional thing is that they're dealing with, that's the thing that's going to get better first in their whole health. So, knowing that those stress responses can be balanced with homeopathy, along with whatever other natural free things, you know that we can do like moving our bodies, getting outside in the sunshine, you know making sure your circadian rhythm is in balance, and so so that's, you know that. That's something that I could start to say to people, which I haven't so far, is when they come to me and say I want to, what can I use for homeopathy to detox? Well, let's, let's look at your mental, emotional, because then your body I think that's what you're saying If you're mentally healthy, then your body can do what it's supposed to do.

Speaker 2:

Right. Your body's not even going to think about detoxing if you're in this fight or flight stress state, so you need to first. Yeah, using homeopathy to address those factors and get that body into a better, healthy mental state is going to be so key in actually getting the body to detox in the first place.

Speaker 1:

Excellent. What else would you say to someone who you know? If they are in that fight or flight, how would they if they didn't want to use homeopathy? Or, in addition to homeopathy, what else could they do?

Speaker 2:

I'm a big fan of emotional freedom, technique and tapping um heart rate variabilities. There's tons of apps that kind of work on breath work and getting the nervous system kind of tuned in with that and focusing on the vagus nerve is another big factor as well. So singing, humming, chanting, turning your water to cold for the last five to 10 seconds of a shower all of those things are great to get that vagus nerve stimulated on board to help with the limbic system and just again kind of reset that tone for the whole nervous system.

Speaker 1:

Do you notice the younger generation not singing? Well, have you heard that. So all I know is my children. They don't sing and I'm I sing all the time. I mean, I walk around the house singing and if we're in the, in the vehicle driving, I'm singing constantly and I've always been like that. So I didn't know if it was just me, just like what I like to do, but my kids don't sing and I'm like that's what's wrong with you. You need to sing, yeah no, I do see it.

Speaker 2:

I do tend to work with a lot of special needs kids, um, and I do think that a lot of autistic kids all the humming and and stimming and noises that they make, I think it's their way of trying to get their nervous system and their vagus nerve on board. It's just that intuitive. They're just, they're more in tune with their bodies and I think that's just. They know that's what needs to be done.

Speaker 1:

I never, never even thought of that, and you know, I also teach that with um, with bone and we don't have to get into this is deeper and we don't have to get into this but bone broth, bone bone broth where it's cooked long 24 hours, whatever 72 hours or longer it releases things into it that can actually be harmful to a leaky gut, and so then people are have been for years trying to push bone broth on their autistic kids, and the kids don't like it and they don't want it, and I'm like because they know they're not supposed to have they're so much smarter than we give them credit for.

Speaker 1:

Wow, very cool. What else? What else do you have to teach us to share about?

Speaker 2:

So I mean that's the one side, out with the bad, you know, eliminating what we can so that we can lessen that burden that we have on the immune system on the detox pathways, and opening up, you know, removing those barriers of the adrenal stress. And then you know inflammation, which the inflammation side, if you eliminate a lot of those things that are adding to that toxic load, you know swapping out for in with the good is adding to that anti-inflammatory side. So that's kind of the next kind of tandem of how to detox. You know we want to make sure the body has what it needs to actually detox. You know, and we have to look at all of those detox organs. Like I said, the liver is famous for detox. But what about the lymphatic system? You know, what about the lungs? What about the kidneys? And like, yeah, I mean the GI tract is very closely connected and even the gallbladder. I mean the GI tract is very closely connected and even the gallbladder, you know the liver will do a lot of detox, but it's some of the gallbladder's job that actually gets those toxins out of the liver into the GI tract so that we can actually excrete them. So how are we going to support all of those detox pathways.

Speaker 2:

You know the lymphatic system is very complex and intricate. You know, I compare it to the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system, but that system has the heart that's pumping all of our blood through our arteries and our veins, and our lymphatic system doesn't have that. So what can we be doing to help that system move? Well, first of all, we need to be moving, like we need to actually physically be the thing that gets that lymphatic system to move. So walk, you know, we don't have to do anything extremely vigorous. I tell people, even if it's when you go to the grocery store or you go to any store park, a little bit farther than you normally do in the shop, in the parking lot, so that you have to walk a little bit farther If you're going in a building that has multiple stories, take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Speaker 2:

When it comes to exercise, I mean all of it's great, but weightlifting, you just got to think, as your muscles are contracting, they're actually getting that lymphatic system pumping and moving. They're actually getting that lymphatic system pumping and moving. And, as funny as it sounds, anything that has an against gravity pull on the body. So that's where the rebounders are very popular, you know, in the functional world. You're jumping up and down and as we're airborne, gravity is pulling on the body and getting that lymphatic system moving. Well, we can literally turn that upside down and we can do inversions, or we can go up against a wall and do a handstand or a headstand. As our bodies flip upside down, gravity is pulling on that lymphatic system in a different direction. So we're getting all different ways that we can move that fluid, because really the lymphatic system is the first thing that starts pulling those toxins out of our tissues, you know, and it's not just toxins, it's our dead cells that we need to excrete, it's bacteria that our immune system's already killed off but needs to get moved out of our body. So we want that lymphatic system moving so that all of that can then make its way to the liver and the kidneys, because all that gets dumped into the bloodstream and then those are really those two organs that start pulling those toxins out of the blood.

Speaker 2:

Kidneys tend to be responsible for more of that water-soluble toxic load. So the kidneys start pulling things out of the bloodstream, send it off to the urinary system and we excrete all those toxins out in our urine. So what do we need to support the kidneys? First and foremost, we need to be hydrated. If we are not drinking enough water, everything is just sludgy and viscous and it's just not moving well. It becomes very stagnant.

Speaker 2:

So my general rule of thumb for people is half your body weight and ounces of water a day minimum, because most of us are still drinking a cup of coffee in the morning or, like I said, we want to be moving and we'll get to it. We want to be sweating, so we want to make up for the hydration and the water, the you know some of those dehydrating things that we're doing. We want to add some more water to it, but water is probably, hands down, the greatest thing that we can do to support kidney detox and kidney function. And then, moving to the liver, like I said, that one got a lot to it because it has a lot of pathways and the liver is there's different pathways that help pull out specific types of toxins. But kind of looking at the grand scheme of things with liver detox, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. You know we used to back in the day. You know the big detoxes were water flushes or master cleanses and things where we just fasted essentially.

Speaker 2:

And there are times and places for fasting, but it's not going to maximize your liver detox. The liver actually requires nutrients to actually break down toxins and get them into forms that are more readily easily for the body to actually excrete out. To make sure we're getting lots of our amino acids Protein is actually very, very important for detox. Your B vitamins, especially the active methylated forms that we find naturally in our foods and not the fortified cereals and stuff that so many people start their morning off with. Many people, you know, start their morning off with um vitamin C. All your minerals magnesium, zinc, selenium very, very important for those detox, um liver detox pathways, um, so getting those foods in that are full of those. And then, like I said, the gallbladder is very important because we want those toxins will bind the bile salts and that's what pushes them into the GI tract so that then we can release, you know, excrete those out in our feces. So we don't want clogged bile ducts. So we really want to kind of out with the bad.

Speaker 2:

Eliminate those sludgy foods, alcohol, high fructose, corn syrup, your hydrogenated oils, your really pro-inflammatory seed oils and focus on some of those really bitter herbs Dandelion is amazing Milk thistle, artichokes food-wise I mean, you can eat all of that too. Beets are fantastic, lemons, apples the malic acid is very high in apples and that really helps open the bile ducts. So you know, an apple a day really might help keep the doctor away. So just really focusing on the nutritional side to support what our bodies, you know, give our bodies what they need to actually get those detox pathways moving.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Okay, so I have a few. I wrote down a couple of notes. So, going back to the lymphatic system, this is just a funny thing that I shared with somebody recently. You know, and, and talking about moving and the rebounder, I explained to somebody recently how we used to not we, I was not alive back then they used to ride horses, donkeys, camels. Then they got into the, the wagon, even pulled by the horse, but they were constantly bouncing right. And then now we have our. Our vehicles are so smooth, we just ride. It rides like butter. There's no bouncing ever unless you're walking on, and I think that we should be walking, if possible, on uneven ground. So you know, while I have a street out here, I also have a field out here, so we walk the field and it's uneven, and so I think that's beneficial.

Speaker 1:

The next thing water. So I would love your, okay. So another I really don't want to call it a buzzword, because I do think it's important but something super popular right now is electrolytes. So you can't just drink plain water anymore. Why is that? And then what do you recommend for electrolytes, if you recommend that at all, that? And then what do you recommend?

Speaker 2:

for electrolytes, if you recommend that at all. So I think there definitely is some validity. You know, I I don't, I don't love. You know, I think we live in a world where if one person recommends one thing like a little bit of something, if a little bit of something's good, then a lot of something must be great. And that's not the case. You know, we want to find that magic sweet spot. But, yeah, I mean, water is polar, water is attractive, and so, you know, one side, everyone's all concerned with the toxins and the contaminants that are in their water, and so some people will go so extreme to even just drink distilled water. But that water is trying to stabilize itself, and so you run the risk of depleting your natural minerals in your body If you're, all you're drinking is distilled water. Um, so I, I love having minerals in our water.

Speaker 2:

Um, some of the packaged ones out there, some are better than others. I definitely don't love the ones that are sweetened with a lot of sugar and have other flavorings and stuff like that added to them. Um, I know the LMT brand tends to be pretty clean, um, but honestly, I'm a big fan of Celtic sea salt and some water or kind of making my own electrolyte mix. You know if, if we're outside and we've had a really hot, sweaty day mixing some fresh water, you know clean water, purified water, coconut water, a little bit of sea salt, and then just flavor it with lemon and lime juice and you're just going to get. You know, I always say nature has the perfect balance of everything. So why are we trying to get a package of something that's trying to mimic what nature has out there? So, you know, coconut water, celtic sea salt, just kind of let it. Let it work, it's magic, naturally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the, it's the package, it's the package it's. Yeah, all the popular things buy in a package, or the flavor or whatever. So I love what you're saying. Yes, with salt, coconut water, what else? Yeah, the lemon or the lime. Is there any? Do you ever do any? A little bit of honey, or no?

Speaker 2:

My kids like honey. I'm not a big sweet person so I don't really do much with that. I tend to like more of the lemons and limes. If I add anything else to it, I might throw a splash of just real tart cranberry juice, because that's another great way to just support the kidneys too. But I mean, yeah, if somebody wants to sweeten it. You know, raw local honey or even like real true maple syrup are going to be probably my top choices for that.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, I love it. Okay, and then the last thing you talked about was nutrition, and you know people often want my help when they come to work with me. They want my help with nutrition, and I usually refer them out for that to someone else who specializes. And I usually refer them out for that to someone else who specializes because I don't. And here's the thing there's so many different diets and ways to eat and I feel like there's not one way that's right for everybody, so I don't have the knowledge to know what's right for each person, so I would rather some you go go work with somebody who actually studies that. And so what would you say to the person who is worried about how do I know? Like, just worried about food. There's a lot of people worried about food. What do I eat, what do I not eat? Today it's good, tomorrow it's not good.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I think that definitely varies with what kind of health conditions somebody's working with um or dealing with. If someone's generally healthy and just wants to kind of kind of stay that way, or what can we do to be proactive? Um, I definitely think it's not. The biggest issue I think we have with our food is the amount of chemicals that we have in there. So really focusing on whole foods. You know I tell people try to buy food that doesn't have an ingredient list. You know, if it's got an ingredient list, it's being processed and it's being it's not in its natural state. So really focusing on real whole food that you know I love organic food for multiple reasons.

Speaker 2:

I don't think everything needs to be organic. The Environmental Working Group is a great organization that has a list called their Dirty Dozen, that is, their foods that are tested with the highest level of pesticides and herbicides in them. So that's my priority of organic stuff making sure that those foods that I purchased those are the organic ones and I don't have to really spend the extra money or worry about the other ones, like the clean 15 that they call or the foods um, from a detox standpoint too, vegetables are your, your star hands down. You know, get those from plants or animal sources, um, but your your fibers from your food, your fermented foods, you know whether it be sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha. You can ferment anything, basically, if you really want to, but those are the easy ones to just grab from a grocery store. It's the detox pathways and and really, if we can focus on supporting those two and really if we can focus on supporting those two then I don't know if you can hear me, but you're frozen and oh, I think she got kicked out.

Speaker 1:

That's OK, she'll be back. This is so interesting and so important to learn about detox. So when she comes back I'm going to ask her, you know, if she has any resources that she wants to share with us. But I have a um a free detox, um side effects course on my website. So you can just go to my website and under the courses tab it's the, it's the um, and under the courses tab it's the. It's the um detox. I don't know what it's called, it's, it's a free um side effects of detox.

Speaker 1:

She's texting me Hold on, let's see. So we know that um, we know that when you do a detox, when you do a cleanse not you know, outside of the natural things that she's talking about when you do that there can come some side effects, like like um outbreak, skin or stomach or headache, and so I have this free little course on my website where you can learn which homeopathic remedies to use to address those side effects of detox. So if you're interested in that, go to melissacrenshawcom under the courses tab. And I honestly cannot remember the name of the course, but it has the word detox. Okay, there she's back. Okay, can you hear me now? I can hear you.

Speaker 2:

I can't see you, but I can certainly hear you. There you are. Okay, I don't know what just happened. Technology right.

Speaker 1:

That's right, Yep Technology. So I just kept talking, I was talking about my little detox course and I was, um, oh, die off symptoms, that's what it's called. So on my website, um, under the courses tab, there is a free class called die off symptoms. So if you decide to do a detox, you know, like you take an herbal detox or whatever, and you have those, those, those die off symptoms. Homeopathy can help you through those symptoms. And then, um, I was wondering if you have any resources that you want to share with my listeners. Um, you know, either anything that's that's from you or your, your practice.

Speaker 2:

For helping with those detox symptoms and the the herxing.

Speaker 1:

Anything, anything. If you want to share anything with my listeners, you can. You can share that.

Speaker 2:

Um. So I always find, you know, people come in. You know we definitely work with people and put them on different detox protocols, because that's how we clear out the burdens that are preventing their bodies from functioning optimally in the way they should. Focusing on the things that we've talked about and getting those pathways open is definitely a huge part of that, but then also focusing on that gallbladder and those bile ducts, and there can be definitely, like I said, herbs in those bitters.

Speaker 2:

You know, I think we've become a society and a culture that craves sweet things and that really has a big negative impact on our digestion. So if we can incorporate some of those bitter herbs and those bitter foods in general, you know, there's actually kind of a reason why, you know, european cultures will have a cocktail with bitters in it before they sit down to a meal, because it actually gets those digestive juices going and it also stimulates and opens up those detox pathways. Because the thing is, if those bile ducts are open and the liver has all these toxins that are being flushed into it, if they can't be released into the GI tract, they're going to get reabsorbed into the blood stream, and that's where so much of that herxing and that I feel terrible while I started detox or when I do a detox, is because you're not really eliminating your toxins. You're just recirculating throughout the body.

Speaker 1:

Goodness, Goodness, yeah, Well, thank you so much for that. So, thank you so much for just sharing your knowledge on detox and I really love everything that you said, because you know when we for if we start focusing on products, it can get expensive. I love what you share, just how to do this naturally and free. And then homeopathy is very inexpensive. So, um, you know you just made me think of the, like I said earlier, the mental, emotional state um, you know, homeopathy can help balance the um, help deliver to work well and then, but also all of the body systems to work well, so it just really goes well together.

Speaker 1:

But these, these homeopathic detox things that are on the market, I think that they're more of a marketing thing than you know, a true detox. I think I think we should do all the things that you said and you know, if your liver or any body system or your immune system needs support, homeopathy is my number one choice. So, again, thank you for being here and sharing your knowledge and wisdom on this, and maybe we can get together and talk again another time about something else. Thanks for being here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you so much.

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