Homeopathy At Home with Melissa

Navigating Health Challenges with Nux Vomica

Melissa Crenshaw, RsHom, LCHE, IBCLC Season 5 Episode 17

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Transform your understanding of homeopathy as Melissa and Bri guide you through the remarkable benefits of Nux Vomica, a cornerstone remedy known for its transformative power. This episode promises to unravel how this once-toxic substance morphs into a powerful ally for workaholics and those striving in high-stress environments. Discover the unique ways Nux Vomica can support your drive, help manage stress-induced conditions, and provide relief from hangovers and overindulgence without the typical side effects of burnout.

Join us for a thorough exploration of Nux Vomica's versatile applications in tackling headaches, digestive issues, and even morning sickness, particularly for expectant mothers. Uncover how this remedy can be a game-changer for alleviating migraines, especially those exacerbated by sunshine or constipation, and easing coughs tied to walking pneumonia. With practical tips on selecting the right potency and understanding modalities, you’ll see why keeping Nux Vomica within arm’s reach could be a key to navigating life's everyday health hurdles. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a natural and reliable approach to maintaining wellness.


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Homeopathy at Home with Melissa. Hey Melissa, hey Brie, great to see you. Same, we're going to pick back up for a Materia Medica Monday today and do a really great big remedy that we love.

Speaker 2:

Nux Vomica. You know, I could not believe. When I looked at our list I was like how have we never talked about Nuxvomica? This is the most amazing remedy. Everybody should know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I bet probably one of the most widely used, especially in newbies. Almost every I mean beginner knows about Arnica and Nuxvomica is really big.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, and you know, maybe that's what I was thinking is, like everybody knows Nux Vomica, so we don't talk about it. But yeah, we should absolutely talk about it. So wonderful. Well, let's get started. So, first of all, nux Vomica in its crude form. Right, if you were to, it's poisonous, so we would never. We would never consume it's. The poison nut is what it is. So we would never consume that in its crude form. But homeopathy being founded on the principle of like cures, like, it's good to know what the whole form, the crude form, would do, because you know what the whole form can cause, the homeopathic form can address.

Speaker 1:

Well, and even sometimes the way the plant looks can play like, I think, gelsamium. There are certain ones where the way that it grows and the way that it behaves even matters, not just what it would do if you ate it, which is, I mean.

Speaker 2:

So close your mind. Yeah yep. So in its crude form um, it grows in indonesia. The seeds are rich in strychnine. Um, it is a convant, so it causes incredible convulsions in the system. It used to be in rat poison used to be used to induce vomiting it. So, in the homeopathic form, what we're going to do now is just list the conditions and or symptoms that Noxvamica would be useful to use for.

Speaker 1:

Now let's just for one second say we're not going to assume everybody listening knows that in the homeopathic form is very different than in the crude form. But that is all. I mean basic homeopathy knowledge. If you want that, melissa has a really easy little intro course. But in homeopathic form these become curative, they're highly diluted. So if you've never heard this stuff and you just heard everything Melissa says, just know homeopathic form is very different.

Speaker 2:

That's right. So we can use the poisons, we can turn them into homeopathic medicines, and they're safe, because we are diluting and succussing the crude form into homeopathic form, which then, after about a 6X or so, there's nothing left of the original substance. And so that's where sometimes people are like check out, that makes no sense. So go take my introduction to homeopathy class, you'll see. You can get a good understanding of how and why homeopathy works. But in its homeopathic form it would be really good for a workaholic, somebody who just works way too much. They can be extremely ambitious, competitive. This is the alpha male with a vengeance. So Nuxvomica is really good for women, really good. And children Um, it's a really big um male remedy, though it just it fits a lot of men in our society today.

Speaker 2:

So hangovers, overindulgence, anger, rage. They strain to work hard. So they strain and force everything. They overdo everything, swinging from overwork to not doing enough, alternating. They're just going back and forth. So this is usually the boss of the office, right, they're in charge, they do too much, they overdo everything and they um, but they get stuff done.

Speaker 2:

Nux Vomica. So listen, you know, often when we're, when we're doing Materia Medica Monday, you hear the all the negative kind of things. Nuxfamica people get stuff done, and usually with some anger and irritation along with it. So if you take Nuxfamica, it's not that you're going to now be lazy and not get anything done. You're still going to be driven. Nuxfamica is highly driven. You're still going to be driven. Noxfamilk is highly driven. You're still going to be driven to get things done. But you just won't be so angry and irritated and rushed about it and stressed out about it. Right, you'll be. You can just get stuff done and enjoy it. Enjoy the process, man. That's what I think we should do. Enjoy the process. Um, so they often have um, you know, especially men, but it could be women too high testosterone. Um, it is the most prescribed remedy in the materia medica. It can be used acutely or chronically, and the forcing overtakes the ability. What does that mean to you, Brie?

Speaker 1:

What do you think? I think when the next thing you had written it, I think, maybe expands on that they, they're like what's that phrase? The means? Things are a means to an end. Like, whatever you need to do, you can get to a position of power by just like sheer ambition and drive, even if you're you might not be like the most intelligent or the best at the job, but you're so driven you can just get there, no matter what yeah did that feel like right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, the forcing overtakes the ability yes yep, exactly perfect. Why don't you keep going with the?

Speaker 1:

okay, I got that, I can do that, um. So, continuing off of that, they push to get positions that are a little bit beyond them. That makes me think of somebody like I would never you if I felt like I couldn't do it, absolutely not. I'm not even going to put myself out there, but they will. Nux Vomica, people always have to win the argument, um, even the father or the mother has to win against their children in a game. Might Mary, not be me. Um. In Mario Kart only I've actually used an Exomca. So I do feel like some of this fits Um.

Speaker 1:

There may be an underlying insecurity, but it's usually just innate. They have to do all the things High, highly driven. These may be sports stars, um, they may, I mean at their worst, use people, drugs, alcohol. They get what they want. Um, at a very they're very basic they can. So again, you're hearing all these negatives in an extreme sense or operating in a very basic, selfish, survival-minded mentality. So they can be very aggressive. They might be fighters, very violent, selfishly motivated, maybe doing it for the recognition that they get. They must get to the top, have the best, be the best, are very controlling.

Speaker 1:

Next, vamika, people usually have a very strong constitution, so burnout isn't as likely. I know people like that, the Energizer Bunny. They drink a ton of coffee to keep them going during the day and maybe drink alcohol at night to calm them down after go go go all day. Nexfamika is a big addiction remedy and so this could be addiction to alcohol, but also we've talked about coffee even or I mean smoking other addictions, so might be a good one to use following an addiction for withdrawal symptoms, which maybe we say that somewhere later.

Speaker 1:

Nuxvomica wants a quick fix. If you've ever used Nux, it's highly known for its digestive properties, so a lot of digestive issues. It can be like a digestive aid where people would use a digestive aid for a quick fix instead of eating well or exercising. They may have liver problems, headache with gastric symptoms. They may be suicidal tendency, maybe mentally, but not the type that feels like they would act on it. They are not cowardly people, so they'll go fight the good fight and defend the weak. They can't relax. They may be constipated. We use it often for constipation. I mean I would think we start there most often. Yeah, yeah, absolutely At any age. Really right.

Speaker 2:

Yep Any age.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, do you want to do some?

Speaker 2:

Sure, the nox vomica person equates relaxation to laziness sleep because of too many thoughts. This is the first remedy that you would use in an overdose situation. They can be really pure, good and clean and a workaholic Impatience. That's a big one Impatient, irritable. They destroy things when they don't work irritable.

Speaker 1:

Um, they destroy things when they don't work. I'm laughing because I mean I've been there. I think I also think of the little kid. This can be a really good one for some. I don't know the word, just I mean this type of tendency in a child. I had one who he messes up that paper is crunched up. He's so mad he messed up his drawing, he'll throw it across the room. Can't not have that. Or if something doesn't work, I'm just going to smash it. Yep, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Digestive issues because of stress. They're very independent, forceful, zealous, a fiery personality, but they get very cold and are very sensitive to the cold. So noxfamic is chilly, very chilly, sensitive to noise and smells. This is one of the biggest mom remedies.

Speaker 1:

It has helped me too. I cannot tell you. I thought this is just a state I live in with three little kids. It's noisy and it's overstimulating and I just thought I lived there, I had to cope. It helps so much. I don't know, I can't say that. I didn't feel it was loud, but my I didn't respond so strongly inside.

Speaker 2:

That's the thing, that's exactly what. So we're not, we're not going to take the noise away, but you're not going to have that feeling, whatever. That is irritation, anger, Even sometimes like a physical.

Speaker 1:

If mentally I could tell myself to be calm and I'm thinking, I'm feeling calm, but my body, I, my heart rate would kind of go up and I would get, I would physically feel worked up. And that even is much better when I'm using Noxvamica.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot of moms go through that with the noise sensitivity. And another personal story I used to it didn't bother me at all, ever. And so my friends would be like why are you allowing your kids to have all these loud, noisy? I was like the noisier the more fun they're having, and so we would just be like so loud. And then Paul's like I got to go outside.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember you telling me that. And listen, I'm fine with kid noise, but like there is some things that toys and like a plastic toy on tile through the roof Just can't know, I don't care how much fun they're having, I can't do it, or I mean that's how I felt, like I would just immediately be angry. So anyway, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So Nux Vomit is a great one for you mamas who are overstimulated and can't stand all the noises or the smells. So Nux likes spicy food and they love fat. They eat a lot of fast food because it's quick. Remember they love that quick fix, even if their stomach will hurt afterwards, body odor from poor diet and constipation. They may be a gambler, addicted to all kinds of things. Work, alcohol, drugs can become paranoid later in life. Half the people, half the prison inmates, are Nux.

Speaker 1:

Vomica Nux Vomica should be in our water instead of fluoride. That sounds nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, any form of colic, so it can be abdominal, kidney, gallbladder colic would be Nuxvomica. They might end up with a hernia because they strain so much so it could be the constipation Remember earlier we were talking about? They strain to work and they strain. They're always like striving and straining. And, yeah, it's better for nuxvomica feels better when they loosen their clothes, better for a short nap, like a power nap. They can be fanatical, jealous, sleepy after meals, hate being interrupted, hate being questioned, contradicted. Anything going wrong within their body, they hate it. They can get angry with their own body when they get sick and they can dominate relationships. So do you want to read these protocols we want to share with everyone?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Nexthalmica is in the Banerjee protocol for colitis. So Nuxvomica is in the Banerjee protocol for colitis In the protocol book. I believe it's page 61. That has Natsulf 200C in liquid once per week, nuxvomica 30C twice per day and then, in case of diarrhea and abdominal gripe, ipecac 30 and Merxol 6C every few hours acutely and that's again that's for colitis. So that's a banerjee protocol. That's not either of our protocol. So you could find that if you need it again online or in the book. Um, for coffee addiction, which I come on, why would anybody not want to be addicted to coffee? I'm kidding, says me who loves coffee. Nux Vomica 200 once daily For labor and delivery. Nux Vomica 200C for intense pain, nausea, vomiting during labor, if you have any gas or I mean this could even be post-surgery. So if you have just trapped gas, nux can be really good. I love it. For colic, this is not a protocol but I love Nux Vomica in colosynthes. I've used it in thirties and two hundreds and they used it in 30s and 200s and they.

Speaker 2:

It is game changer for baby colic.

Speaker 1:

Um, what else do we use? Noxomica, did we say headaches in the in the list? Okay, so I have my materi medica open. I'll read from here about it is a great headache. You told me that. Um, it's a great migraine remedy, specifically um over the eyes, like so a frontal headache with the desire to press on the head um a bruised sensation of the brain. This could be a hangover headache, particularly with irritability. Um the feeling as if a nail is driven in headaches from drugs or alcohol, pressing, throbbing headache, worse than the sunshine. Headache from constipation. Head feels distended and sore, great restlessness and the scalp is sensitive to slight touch. So I mean that's a big headache. Remedy for headache. Let's say you are. Would you start most times in acute situations like that with a 200? Yeah, I would go up, okay.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Um. Yes, nuxvomica is in my little um little constipation with headache protocol that I made up years ago and in that protocol it's Nuxvomica, bryonia, natmir and then sepia if you're an adult woman, but leave the sepia out if you're not.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so another thing that you and I it was brought back as we were looking through lots of people right now in acute consults for walking pneumonia and coughs and that tight cough and that tightness in the chest, and so a couple of things. There's a cotton exomica has a cough. It can be a cough at night preventing sleep. Dry cough, worse after midnight or violent in the morning before rising. Dry cough with rattling of the mucus. Tight, dry, hacking cough at times with bloody expectoration and cough brings on a bursting headache.

Speaker 2:

You said something so interesting. Oh, you said dry cough with rattling of mucus. That's so weird.

Speaker 1:

Well, that sounds like I'm thinking like an antimonium tart type, like where it's dry in your throat but you're feeling mucus in here yeah, maybe that's.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of what I was thinking um dry cough with okay, yeah, so the rattling, but you're not getting it up, so it's dry yeah, that's what I assumed, but yeah, that wasn't actually super clear. Yeah, the chest has constriction tightness across chest during cariza, or chill cariza, I don't know um I say cariza itching and scraping under middle of sternum causing cough, and I keep seeing sensation as if something were torn loose in the chest during cough. That torn like something torn loose which I don't know what that feels like.

Speaker 1:

I guess and I've never heard anybody say that that's very different, like that feels different than something broken loose, like torn loose sounds painful. What was I gonna say? Okay, what else? For nux, there was a couple other things photophobia, so sensitivity to light, light. I've seen it a few times highlighted in Materia Medica. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

Do you want me to do some modalities of NUX, mamika? Yes, so better from a nap, better moist air, damp and wet weather. That's actually a good one, because not many things are better from damp weather. Right, that's true, like coughs, better from free discharges. Better with strong pressure, so like wrapping the head up, lying on the sides. Better hot drinks and fatty things. Worse from overeating, worse with coffee, liquor, stimulants. So overindulgence Worse with overindulgence in all the ways. Worse cold open air, dry air, drafts and wind. Worse cold open air, dry air, drafts and wind. And worse with noise, odors and worse pressure from clothes and worse uncovering. So all those things you said they want loose clothes. They don't want the tight clothes, which is so funny, so that's a good thing.

Speaker 1:

Acutely, too, you could be like. Maybe you're not always an exfamica person, but maybe you you could be like. Maybe you're not always a Nux Vomica person, but maybe you go to dinner an hour later. You're feeling like I got to get these clothes off. I am so annoyed right now Everything's annoying me and you're not like your stomach's upset, nux Vomica, or you get a headache, nux seriously, if all else fails and it's, you're not feeling great. I love Nux Vomica.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, and you know, if you've never taken Nux before, I do suggest starting with a 30C just to see how you do and then go up, you know, to a 200, if you do well or need it.

Speaker 1:

I just thought of morning sickness. I thought of it earlier. Absolutely yeah, and you have actually helped. I think a 30 and a lot of people I know works better for a pregnant mom, I guess, and what I've seen that was from you. I learned that from you, where I like 200 and almost all the time, but we do use a lot of 200s but with nausea if it aggravates that can really oh, it'd be terrible, maybe miserable. So yeah, I see that work very well for moms who are really nauseous or vomiting a lot.

Speaker 2:

so that's great. Nux is amazing, so everybody needs to have nux vomica on hand always. Yes,

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